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Be glad when its all over,stopped watching the news altogether as I'm so sick of being told what to think,particularly from Gordon Brown,the man who left the country on it,s arse !


:iagree: though I get the feeling we won't hear the end of it for a while. Whoever wins the losing side will be whinging about it for the next few months at least.

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I think that's slightly misleading, if not spurious use of statistics :D


BTW, did Sturgeon ever state that she would oppose Osbornes punishment budget? Given the SNP's anti austerity position, I was surprised that over 60 Tories, Labour, UKIP and the LibDems all opposed it immediately, and Sturgeon was noticeable by her absence .


The SNP have always voted against austerity budgets that affect Scotland, and Angus Robertson is the SNP's spokesman on Westminster matters. He told The National newspaper on the 16th of June: “The SNP are an anti-austerity party. We will do everything we can to oppose the prospect of an increasingly right-wing Tory agenda dominating the UK.


“The SNP’s focus in the last week of the campaign will be to continue making the positive and progressive case for remaining in the EU, with the aim of winning this referendum and avoiding even more austerity.”


It also strikes me as rather odd that the SNP support EU membership, when the EU is the greatest proponent of austerity economics in the world. Then again, the EU was the child of Jean Monnet, a puppet of the Rothschild dynasty, so it's neoliberal agenda was always to be expected.


Well those are your opinions, albeit with something of the conspiracy theory about them.....


Here are Nicola Sturgeon's own words on the matter of the EU and Scottish independence: "Independence supporters frequently ask me two questions about the EU referendum.


The first is how can you support independence and back Scotland’s membership of the EU? The answer to that is simple – I believe independent countries must cooperate to tackle common challenges. Every member of the EU is an independent country working with for the greater good."

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For those of you undecideds today, or just don't care, it's worth reiterating the threat to those of you who own old and modified cars.


Speak to any Supra enthusiast from any of the other EU countries, and many will explain the difficulty of buying, owning, and modifying imported cars. Many EU countries have very strict legislation about modifying cars from factory standard, and I have no doubt at all that the EU will eventually pursue a uniform safety standard.


The EU attack on classic cars has already begun: http://www.classicandsportscar.com/news/general-classic-car-news/brussels-demands-tighter-restrictions-for-historic-vehicles


These beurocrats won't think twice about trashing our country's proud tuning industry in their quest for lower emissions and higher safety standards.

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[h=1]Nailed, the four big EU lies: Talks with Turkey will start in days, Brexit WON'T spark trade war say Germans, Brussels will NOT reform on open borders and deportation of jobless EU migrants a myth[/h]




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For those of you undecideds today, or just don't care, it's worth reiterating the threat to those of you who own old and modified cars.


Speak to any Supra enthusiast from any of the other EU countries, and many will explain the difficulty of buying, owning, and modifying imported cars. Many EU countries have very strict legislation about modifying cars from factory standard, and I have no doubt at all that the EU will eventually pursue a uniform safety standard.


The EU attack on classic cars has already begun: http://www.classicandsportscar.com/news/general-classic-car-news/brussels-demands-tighter-restrictions-for-historic-vehicles


These beurocrats won't think twice about trashing our country's proud tuning industry in their quest for lower emissions and higher safety standards.


We have to vote leave. If not the EU will punish us hugely for evening daring to have a referendum. The leadership openly quotes anti democratic rhetoric and It's disgusting.


Anyone left undecided just think about democracy.




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It's been a good debate on here. One of my big fears about referendums in general is that they turn into a charisma contest between the main spokesmen of either side. Based on this thread and elsewhere, this thanfully hasn't happened, people are trying to digest the issues, and not the personalities.

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It's been a good debate on here. One of my big fears about referendums in general is that they turn into a charisma contest between the main spokesmen of either side. Based on this thread and elsewhere, this thanfully hasn't happened, people are trying to digest the issues, and not the personalities.


Probably because all the spokesmen are c$%£s

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These beurocrats won't think twice about trashing our country's proud tuning industry in their quest for lower emissions and higher safety standards.


Probably true - however I won't blame the EU as they have been fairly clear on their agenda from the get go. It is the Pro-EU British Politicians & some UK Business people that have been disingenuous about the purpose and intentions of the EU - they are the ones that are luring us to stay on the sinking titanic.

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I've voted OUT, but I'm of the opinion now that Remain will win. Reason: PaddyPower are offering 1.11 to Remain and 6.5 to Leave.

They might know something we don't.


Thing is, there are no precedents for this vote in recent history, so all their odds are based on what people and markets are betting on. But until the votes are in, and the turnout has been assessed, it could easily go either way.


I agree in that I think remain will win with a slim majority though, their saturation scaremongering, and their utterly abhorrent use of the death of Jo Cox in their propaganda will just swing it.

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Two things I've noticed the IN campaign seems to be distantancing themselves from:



No EU flags being used at their rallies, protests or propaganda


And no use of the EU National Anthem.


It's almost as if they think the symbolism of their neoliberal Superstate is Toxic...

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I think a remain victory even though I'm voting leave because there were thousands of people ineligible to vote who have been given a vote, they will almost certainly vote remain. Let's not forget the videos that were circulating from the last election of vote counting fraud.




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For those of you undecideds today, or just don't care, it's worth reiterating the threat to those of you who own old and modified cars.


Speak to any Supra enthusiast from any of the other EU countries, and many will explain the difficulty of buying, owning, and modifying imported cars. Many EU countries have very strict legislation about modifying cars from factory standard, and I have no doubt at all that the EU will eventually pursue a uniform safety standard.


The EU attack on classic cars has already begun: http://www.classicandsportscar.com/news/general-classic-car-news/brussels-demands-tighter-restrictions-for-historic-vehicles


These beurocrats won't think twice about trashing our country's proud tuning industry in their quest for lower emissions and higher safety standards.


F.I.V.A. are nothing to do with the E.U. once again you've wheeled out 'Project Fear' see here: https://blogs.ec.europa.eu/ECintheUK/press-reports-on-ec-proposals-on-mot-tests-are-incorrect/

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F.I.V.A. are nothing to do with the E.U. once again you've wheeled out 'Project Fear' see here: https://blogs.ec.europa.eu/ECintheUK/press-reports-on-ec-proposals-on-mot-tests-are-incorrect/


It will be eventually though. Remain are quite happy to speculate about future economic trends, it is pretty obvious that the all encompassing, all consuming EU bureaucracy will start to clamp down on these things, especially in the wake of an emissions scandal that is going to cost the EU's largest heavy engineering sector billions of Euros.


There isn't a status quo with todays vote, as the EU is all too happy to constantly demonstrate, the march towards federalism will continue.

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I've voted OUT, but I'm of the opinion now that Remain will win. Reason: PaddyPower are offering 1.11 to Remain and 6.5 to Leave.

They might know something we don't.


I've been following the odds too! Betfair is currently 1.14 remain and 8.4 leave!

It wasn't far off even Stevens start of the week! Voted out this morning also.

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Been to a couple of polling stations today, once to vote, and the other while walking my dog, and I'm surprised how quiet they are. And the weather is beautiful up here. One is in an area you'd expect people to generally vote IN, the other OUT.

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