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If you won the Lottery - what wouldn't you buy?


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it's a big one tonight.


I've already said to Mrs Lbm 'if I win blah blah blah' and if I was in a pub, I'd buy all the forum members...a half. And maybe a sandwich.


So my innate tightness nearly got me thinking...if you did actually win, what wouldn't you buy?


We've all see the usual *If I won, I'd buy...* threads: Single Supra, Fezza, Lambo, LFA, Sunseeker, house for mum and dad and the a palace for the cat etc..


But what wouldn't you buy?


And why?


I'll start -Even with £166M in cash in the bank, I still wouldn'y buy a private plane - I fear I'm more Easyjet than Lear jet.

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I wouldn't buy a house bigger than 6 bedrooms. True, a 6 bed house is still a very large house, but I wouldn't need any more unless I have a big family (which I don't intend to have).


And I *still* wouldn't buy the X-Factor Christmas number 1 single, whatever it is this year.

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I would never buy those way to expensive clothes or go to fancy restaurants for a 500£ dinner.

Why not? I'd feel bad knowing on the other side of the world people are starving and have no decent clothing.

A nice house (normal no castle) and a nice supra would suffice for me. And the biggest tele i can find :p

If you don't appreciate the small things you will def not enjoy the bigger things.

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I wouldn't buy personal 'bling' Jewelry watches etc..........I have none now and I doubt that would change.........may get an Iphone at a push :D


Definitely no plane...............might try and learn to fly and then who knows though :)

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I wouldn't buy personal 'bling' Jewelry watches etc..........I have none now and I doubt that would change.........may get an Iphone at a push :D


Definitely no plane...............might try and learn to fly and then who knows though :)



I'd definitely attempt to get a pilot's licence, but as you, I would not buy a plane. Just shares in one, possibly, or just rent one for a week or two. Especially a sea plane. :)

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