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Why is the British navy running a ferry service for illegal immigrants?

Chris Wilson

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My French friend delighted in spending a quarter of an hour mocking me and the UK yesterday, for sending a Royal naval vessel to the Mediterranean to ferry illegals ashore. I had no real answer save hang my head in shame and take it on the chin. What a farce this island has become, so much for Cameron's now, post Liberal Alliance, unfettered stance on immigration.

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At least they're not bringing them here ................... are they?


Bloody typical though playing into the hands of the traffickers. They now know that all they have to do is pack as many as possible onto a boat or barge, tow it out to sea and abandon it for the soft pussy liberal westerners to sort out.


What they should do is pick them up (it's hardly reasonable just to leave them) then steam across to Libya and land them on the beach ............... Sorted.

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Bloody typical though playing into the hands of the traffickers. They now know that all they have to do is pack as many as possible onto a boat or barge, tow it out to sea and abandon it for the soft pussy liberal westerners to sort out.


Agreed, I would say this is making the traffickers job easier while providing a bigger draw to take the chance, its counter productive.


What they should do is pick them up (it's hardly reasonable just to leave them) then steam across to Libya and land them on the beach ............... Sorted.


Yep, just take them back to the shore they originated from.

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At least they're not bringing them here ................... are they?


Bloody typical though playing into the hands of the traffickers. They now know that all they have to do is pack as many as possible onto a boat or barge, tow it out to sea and abandon it for the soft pussy liberal westerners to sort out.


What they should do is pick them up (it's hardly reasonable just to leave them) then steam across to Libya and land them on the beach ............... Sorted.



As the scenes in Sangatte and surrounding areas show, yes, they do see the UK as the destination of choice. As my French ami said, surely it's possible to make is totally unpallatable for them to come here, after all they don't seem keen to head to Romania or Bulgaria for example. How many are heading for Russia? :) They are after our money, our housing, our jobs, and, God help them, probably our women. Although if the fat monosyllabic tattooed bints I see locally are typical, they may be rather disappointed in that regard :)


I can see no earthly reason to *not* just leave them afloat. They chose this line of illegal entry, I might even consider ploughing them down with a few gunboats. We do still have a few gun boats, don't we..... ;)



And when is that oversize leviathan aircraft carrier going to be finished? The one Gordon Brown appeased his Scottish mates with by giving the dockyards some work? 2017 wasn't it? I wonder how far over budget, and behind schedule it is right now? Probably time to have a whip round and see if we can accrue some funds for some planes to put on it. So much again for Cameron, regaling the EU with talk telling them to spend at LEAST 2% GDP on defence, a while back. We are now told this government are making even MORE defence cuts. Putin and IS must be rubbing their hands.

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Humanitarian reasons so the government can look good in newspapers I suppose. A lot of them are apparently from Syria or Libya or other war-torn countries where they're in danger. I'm not sure why we must take it upon ourselves to save them as they don't do anything for us, but I suppose it's better than letting them all die.

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We've one down there picking up floaters too.


Honestly, they're operating so close to the Libyan coast that I think even legitimate holiday makers in pedalo boats have been "saved" in "daring" rescue missions by our fleet's flagship, the L.E. Eithne.


Personally, I'd be advising the boatful of hopefuls to turn around at about 5 miles offshore or, if they decline the advice, clearing the main gun's throat.

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Part of me says it's compassion, you know here we are able to spend hours discussing our passion for a car whilst men women and children are scared/brave enough to risk their lives to seek a small snippet of what we are able to take for granted.


The other part of me says that if we'd have taken that stance from a long long time ago then I/we wouldn't be in this luxurious position ie if you don't keep them down then you don't retain your (high up) position in the pecking order.

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John Lennom got it right with his song imagine.


Kids today. And his name was LENNON, by the

way, just for the record. Another plastic leftie.


Didn't he have a brother called Jack, you know, he was in the odd couple.

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I dont agree with us picking them up ect ect, but then again I'm not one of the unlucky people on-board the ships that has come from a war ridden country and fleeing as some terrorist has taken everything.


There isn't a answer as just leaving them all to die isn't ideal as there are children involved and any innocent life is worth saving in my opinion.


What would you have done? Taking them back to there own country is either going to kill them or there try again and probably result in there death again or paying the traffickers again ( which probably fund terrorism)


What options are there :/


But there are some there looking for a easy ride into a European country

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I don't want my taxes going to funding the armed forces to operate a ferry service for illegal immigrants.

They are coming from all over the Middle East and Africa now, it's totally out of control and getting absolutely

ridiculous in terms of the sheer the numbers involved. People in power need to harden up and stop pandering to the human

rights brigade.

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Kids today. And his name was LENNON, by the

way, just for the record. Another plastic leftie.


LOL :D Go for it Chris, as you say send in the gunboats otherwise we'll end up with another bunch of criminals and rapists that we have no control over.

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Chris when I read your posts on engineering and mechanics I'm invariably impressed by your depth of knowledge and understanding not only of the machinery itself but by the physical principles behind it. I'm often bamboozled by your skill, technical know-how and knowledge of components and systems that I have never heard of.


Congratulations for being a first-rate engineer, I give you 10/10 for your expertise in mechanical wizardry.


Similarly, but in an equal and opposite way, I'm equally unimpressed by your lack of humanity, compassion and kindness. Your lack of empathy borders on the sadistic; your jokes about desperate people fighting for their lives and those of their loved ones is barely comprehensible to any civilized human being.


For being a decent, noble man with sound ethics, I give you a big, fat zero.

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If you were a dog, bird or other animal you'd love me, as I would be caring, generous, kind and compassionate. If you were a hard working foreign guy, with sound morals, a conservative dress sense and the desire to assimilate yourself into a British lifestyle, you'd still like me. But if you were a grasping, deceiving, thieving scum bag, bent on taking my money, with no regard to offering a service, work ethic or even perhaps with a hidden agenda for destroying me from within my own walls, then you would be right to fear me. I suspect you may have a financial interest in supporting the less desirable elements attempting entry to our country :( I am afraid I do not see many of these boat people as desirable, or likely to enhance our country, our way of life, or the economy. Quite the reverse.

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Chris when I read your posts on engineering and mechanics I'm invariably impressed by your depth of knowledge and understanding not only of the machinery itself but by the physical principles behind it. I'm often bamboozled by your skill, technical know-how and knowledge of components and systems that I have never heard of.


Congratulations for being a first-rate engineer, I give you 10/10 for your expertise in mechanical wizardry.


Similarly, but in an equal and opposite way, I'm equally unimpressed by your lack of humanity, compassion and kindness. Your lack of empathy borders on the sadistic; your jokes about desperate people fighting for their lives and those of their loved ones is barely comprehensible to any civilized human being.


For being a decent, noble man with sound ethics, I give you a big, fat zero.


We haven't the resources to accommodate the entire population of the middle east and Africa. Long term, accepting any asylum seekers is going to be worse for them and us.


Only they can change their countries, running away to the west is subjugating future generations of their countrymen to more of the same.


And on a purely selfish note, what have they got to offer us? The more that come, the more of their corrupt, war torn cultures come with them. Just look at what the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of tower hamlets has brought us...

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Chris when I read your posts on engineering and mechanics I'm invariably impressed by your depth of knowledge and understanding not only of the machinery itself but by the physical principles behind it. I'm often bamboozled by your skill, technical know-how and knowledge of components and systems that I have never heard of.


Congratulations for being a first-rate engineer, I give you 10/10 for your expertise in mechanical wizardry.


Similarly, but in an equal and opposite way, I'm equally unimpressed by your lack of humanity, compassion and kindness. Your lack of empathy borders on the sadistic; your jokes about desperate people fighting for their lives and those of their loved ones is barely comprehensible to any civilized human being.


For being a decent, noble man with sound ethics, I give you a big, fat zero.




If you were a dog, bird or other animal you'd love me, as I would be caring, generous, kind and compassionate. If you were a hard working foreign guy, with sound morals, a conservative dress sense and the desire to assimilate yourself into a British lifestyle, you'd still like me. But if you were a grasping, deceiving, thieving scum bag, bent on taking my money, with no regard to offering a service, work ethic or even perhaps with a hidden agenda for destroying me from within my own walls, then you would be right to fear me. I suspect you may have a financial interest in supporting the less desirable elements attempting entry to our country :( I am afraid I do not see many of these boat people as desirable, or likely to enhance our country, our way of life, or the economy. Quite the reverse.


I don't want to shock you Chris, but don't switch on the TV and watch Jeremy Kyle, we have a whole breeding ground of people you dislike and they are from this very country. Regardless of anything, for me the suffering of innocent children is something I can not stand. Perhaps it is because I am a father myself that would bring some emotions for me but I have been helping children way before I became a Dad. They are our future and who we trust in bringing us a better life.


An from reading the article it does not appear they are coming to the UK regardless what the Daily Fail readers say.


And on a purely selfish note, what have they got to offer us? The more that come, the more of their corrupt, war torn cultures come with them. Just look at what the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of tower hamlets has brought us...


What utter rubbish, are you talking from person experience?


I grew up in Tower Hamlets and saw this change from a rough area to the fantastic place it is today. We generate billions of pounds in revenue with the business in Tower Hamlets and provide jobs to thousands upon thousands of people across the country. Fair enough buying a property here will cost you £500k for a small 3 bedroom house but it isn't for everyone.


It is one of the most diverse places in Britain, like any City (and I have traveled to a LOT of cities). An a brilliant place to live for everyone, so please pipe down with spreading your rubbish.

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