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Well, I have had better days! UPDATED


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It depends on what the docs say next week my friend. I will let you know after Tuesday


No problem Col. I will put it on standby, I just felt after cancelling the meet around Christmas we needed to catch you next time you were over. All be it via better circumstances but a meet is a meet..!!



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Hiya folks


Well, that was a good day. I met with the GP earlier and she was superb. She listened and looked at my scans etc before immediately phoning Velindre Hospital (the local specialist cancer hospital) and asking for an express referral. She then faxed through the same to give them a double whammy! Very pleased with that and now I just have to wait.


I also spoke to a chap who works for a cancer care charity and deals with cancer patients and the benefits they can receive. He is coming to see me on Friday to let me know what is available and to help me fill out the forms. So, thats another worry off my mind.


Finally, i went to see a very old (as in I have known him years) and dear friend of mine to have a cup of tea and a chat. During the chat I mentioned that housing may prove to be a problem as I currently have nowehere to live. He then tolds me that he has recently done up a lodge that is located within the grounds of his sons home (yes, they are loaded) and that I could use that for the foreseeable future. It is a small one bedroom place but in a location to die for - not that I'm thinking of dieing there but you get my drift!


So, like I say, this has been a good day and I am feeling much more positive.




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A disappointing day today:


Just had a call from the Doctors secretary at Velindre (the specialist cancer hospital) and it wasn't great news. I had expected her to give me a date to go and see the oesophageal cancer specialist but instead she has told me that the GP should not have referred me directly to them but should have used the local hospital first and then they send me to Velindre. :(


So, she has now sent my papers to the local Prince Charles Hospital for me to see a surgeon there and then he will refer me to the Velindre Doctor. Sounds bloody stupid to me but hey, what do I know eh? I tried to explain to her that I have been diagnosed with cancer etc and that it wasn't a case of maybe I have it but that didn't make any odds. She did say that the Doc at Velindre will still be seeing me within 2 weeks and so maybe all is not gloom and doom.


I am hopeful of a quick response from Prince Charles Hospital as the lady from Velindre said she would ring the surgeons secretary tomorrow and push my case forward.


Fingers crossed.

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After the disappointment of Monday, i have better news today :)


I rang the secretary at Prince Charles Hospital yesterday to ask if they had my papers etc and she confirmed that they had and that Mr. Escovay (the surgeon) would be looking at them that afternoon. However, she did say that they had a problem in as much as the papers wording was in Greek and that they were desperately trying to get them translated . In any case, she promised to ring me by this morning.


Well, true to her word, she rang me about an hour ago and told me that she had booked an appointment to see Mr. Escovay for next Tuesday. I then had a call from Velindre (the original hospital) asking me if PCH had rang as they had been told of the appointment too. So it seems that patient communication is definitely one of their strong points - and that is a big positive when you are feeling a little bit in the dark over procedures and proceedings.


To be fair to the NHS it has now been just 8 days since I met up with my GP. In that time I have been referred to 2 different surgeons / hospitals and have had an appointment made to meet with one of them. Not too shabby I reckon. :)

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To be fair to the NHS it has now been just 8 days since I met up with my GP. In that time I have been referred to 2 different surgeons / hospitals and have had an appointment made to meet with one of them. Not too shabby I reckon. :)


Agree, on the whole they provide a fairly decent service, especially in important cases such as yours.

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Glad things are moving on considering Monday Col. Seems like a bit of a rollercoaster which, given the circumstances, is never going to be a good thing. The people you are dealing with seem pretty on the ball though, so that's always a bonus. It's very easy for them to fall into a lull when they deal with these situations daily, keeping the personal touch and understanding the feelings & state of mind of the people they are helping is always the key to a calm and informed patient.


Stay positive mate :)

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As an aside, I decided that in order to fight this disease I needed to get as fit as possible under the circumstances. To this end I bought a new luminous yellow windsheeter thing to protect me from rain etc and decided to embark on a "fit to fight" campaign! :)


I started this off yesterday and drove to a beautiful location which I used to use as a running route many years ago. It is a reservoir with a road going all around it. It is only 3.2 miles long but as this is Wales, it has many uphill and downhill sections. Anyway, off I went jogging along and managed .7 mile before coming to a sharp incline. Oh, bloomin heck, didn't that ever hurt! I then had to have a stop and decided that discretion was the better part of valour and turned around and walk / jogged the .7 miles back. :D


OK, at 1.4 miles it wasn't a marathon but it is a start and something I aim to continue to do for as long as my body will stand it. Move over Paula Radcliffe - there's a new kid in town! :D

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I guess you've run before though? You'll get it back really quickly I'd imagine.


My father in law runs half marathons and does 10 miles quite regularly, I thought I'd like to give it a go - ran until I got knackered then walked home, worked out it was less than 1/2 a mile. :( I don't do running any more.

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I guess you've run before though? You'll get it back really quickly I'd imagine.


My father in law runs half marathons and does 10 miles quite regularly, I thought I'd like to give it a go - ran until I got knackered then walked home, worked out it was less than 1/2 a mile. :( I don't do running any more.


I used to run quite a lot and regularly did 10 - 15 mile runs on a Sunday but that was 10 years or more ago. I know what you mean about the 1/2 mile. i remember doing the self same thing when i started out years ago - I could not believe how far 800 metres was! :)



Ease in to it Col.


I assume you took refuge with a pint and a pie afterwards?


Joke :D

Why is that a Joke? :D

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