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Well, I have had better days! UPDATED


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Just back after day 2 of "fit to fight" and I am delighted to say that the first days reported distance was way out. Instead of jogging 3/4 and walking / jogging it back, that was actually 1.2 miles. I know as today i did a measure out with the car.


So, today's effort was a non stop run of 1.65 miles - woohoo, go me! :D

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But it's a bit American, and sadly no pitstops.




http://www.walkjogruneat.net would be the gentleman's choice.




Just back after day 2 of "fit to fight" and I am delighted to say that the first days reported distance was way out. Instead of jogging 3/4 and walking / jogging it back, that was actually 1.2 miles. I know as today i did a measure out with the car.


So, today's effort was a non stop run of 1.65 miles - woohoo, go me! :D


Yes. Yes. But any burgerage en route?

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http://www.walkjogruneat.net would be the gentleman's choice.

Love it :D


Yes. Yes. But any burgerage en route?

It is funny you should say that but the route I am trying to complete has a sweaty Betty style burger van almost at the end. now, if that is not an incentive, I don't know what is!


I can see me salivating ala Homer Simpson towards the end of the run! :D

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Well, today wasn't the best result. I had still harboured a faint hope that the cancer could be treated by the relatively simple procedure of EMR. That would have been in and out of hospital in a day and probably back on Kos within a month. Sadly, after today's meeting, it looks as if this is not the case. :(


We started today by going over the lead up to the diagnosis, the initial treatment for GERD and the finding of the polyp etc. Finally looking at the scans done during the endoscopy and the ultrasound. It was at this point that the surgeon stated he didn't feel the cancer was treatable by EMR as he felt had had invaded into the second layer of the oesophagus. In saying that, he also said that he still wanted to run his own scans to make sure his feeling was correct and so I am having a CT scan done on Thursday, another endoscopy on Friday and a PET scan done next week.


We then went on to discus treatment and this is where it really brought it home just how serious my condition is. He is recommending (subject to the latest scans) chemo therapy for 2 months, followed by radio therapy (no, not smashey and nicey but radiation therapy ala Xrays) and / or surgery. The first 2 were what i expected but when we talked about the surgery aspect, it really shook me up.


He said that the surgery (if needed) was a 5 hour stint in the OR and would mean at least 3 months of recovery and care thereafter - bugger me, thats a bit serious eh? He then said that some people consider it (the surgery) too much of a life changing and invasive procedure and opted for chemo alone. I told him that the most life changing thing i could think of was dying and anything other than that got my vote!


So, thats the latest update. More to come from me early next week.



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Not so good mate, I didn't realise it was as serious as it is. You're spot on though, the most important thing is that you come out of all this with your life ahead of you.


Really sorry to hear it's so invasive mate, can't imagine how you are feeling. At least you have a level head on your shoulders to get you through the situation in a logical fashion. The emotions must be all over the place.


Keep the chin up mate, you're an inspiration :)

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Thanks for the positive comments and PM's - they mean a lot to me. ;)


I had a very bad night last night with the whole wave of despair and fear sweeping over me like a huge wave. I must admit to shedding quite a few tears - not feeling sorry for myself, but more to do with the sudden realisation that this is far more serious than I wanted to believe. :(


But, today is another day and after reading comments on here, FB and the several texts I received I realise that mooching about the place and worrying is not going to help me at all. I also needed to get my backside in gear and find somewhere to live for the next 6 - 8 months and so today was spent visiting estate agencies, housing associations and the council to see what is available. Next comes the search for furniture etc as I have nothing here and TBH, not a lot of money either so I can see E-bay getting a bit of a hammering soon.


Now, as my sig below says, i have never been a quitter and whilst I am sure I am going to get lots more down days, I can assure you that I will be there fighting to the end - and that end is going to be years and years away yet! :D

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We're with you all the way, CJ.


I remember reading a phrase from someone on the Livestrong website a while back where they said "I'll keep fighting cancer until hell freezes over......and then I'll put on my skates!"


Keep your spirits up mate. You're a survivor.


Incidentally, last Sunday was the 15th (I think) anniversary of Lance Armstrong's disgnosis - he went on to win 7 Tours de France after having tumours in his lungs and his brain. You've got many, many years left in you yet, mate!



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I wanted to link you to an inspiring story about a marvellous little girl called Camille.




If you read 'Martin's Blog' he writes from the moment they found out, the operations, the chemo and the trips to America for proton treatment - the ups and the downs.


It might help you when you're feeling at your lowest and need some positivity.



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Hiya Folks


I went for a CT scan on Thursday (nice simple procedure that will show more of what's happening with the cancer) and then had another endoscopy yesterday. This new endoscopy was to give the surgeon a current view of the tumour and for him to familiarise himself with my inside bits - as opposed to looking at the previous pics done by someone else.


There was good news in that the tumour is still relative small at just 20mm and his opinion (which will hopefully be confirmed by the CT scan and the forthcoming PET scan) is that the cancer has not spread significantly. :)


I now go for a small operation next Tuesday which is keyhole surgery performed by going in through my belly button to have a good look around and that end of the oesophagus and stomach. Following that the chemotherapy starts. :(


On the house front, it looks as if i will be moving into a different flat and not the lodge house previously mentioned. the reason for this is that the Macmillan nurse and the surgeon thought the lodge house was too remote and preferred me to be closer to people should there be any issues with my treatment. to this end I have found a "sheltered" type place that caters for over 50's (yes, i know, you are shocked to realise I am over 50 :innocent:) and that has a direct emergency line to a warden scheme. I am hoping to move into that on the 17th and so the next 10 days or so will be spent hunting for furniture etc. Fingers crossed for a lottery win! :D



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Hiya Folks


I went for a CT scan on Thursday (nice simple procedure that will show more of what's happening with the cancer) and then had another endoscopy yesterday. This new endoscopy was to give the surgeon a current view of the tumour and for him to familiarise himself with my inside bits - as opposed to looking at the previous pics done by someone else.


There was good news in that the tumour is still relative small at just 20mm and his opinion (which will hopefully be confirmed by the CT scan and the forthcoming PET scan) is that the cancer has not spread significantly. :)


I now go for a small operation next Tuesday which is keyhole surgery performed by going in through my belly button to have a good look around and that end of the oesophagus and stomach. Following that the chemotherapy starts. :(


On the house front, it looks as if i will be moving into a different flat and not the lodge house previously mentioned. the reason for this is that the Macmillan nurse and the surgeon thought the lodge house was too remote and preferred me to be closer to people should there be any issues with my treatment. to this end I have found a "sheltered" type place that caters for over 50's (yes, i know, you are shocked to realise I am over 50 :innocent:) and that has a direct emergency line to a warden scheme. I am hoping to move into that on the 17th and so the next 10 days or so will be spent hunting for furniture etc. Fingers crossed for a lottery win! :D




At least things are looking up.


All the very best with your recovery and at least you know the club's always there for you :)

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Just got home after spending most of the day in the hospital having a staged laparoscopy. The "staged" part was to find out what stage the cancer may be it at the bottom of the oesophagus / stomach area as this cannot be seen with the endoscopic procedure. :(


It involved passing a telescope through my belly button and also 2 other incisions either side to have a look around. After recovering from the anaesthetic and being fed and watered the surgeon came around for a chat at about 17.30pm. He sat there and with a lovely smile told me that there was no evidence of spread within this region and that he was pretty sure the cancer is still localised at the tumour in the oesophagus. :D


If I could have rolled a cartwheel i would have but being a fat b'stard (still) and having a sore guts precluded me from doing so and therefore I made do with beaming a smile back at him and shedding a wee tear of relief. :D:d


I then came home to find that the other hospital had rang to confirm the PET scan date for next Monday. So, all in all, a good day!

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