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The Islamist attack in Paris 13-11-15


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Sorry to be a cynic - war is a profitable business, the names of the group / targets change but essentially its the same formula:


  • indirectly they are funded by us (or our allies)
  • we prop them up over the years to maybe do our dirty work
  • and then it goes out of control as essentially we are funding psychos
  • we then mobilise billions of dollars on military action, funding military programs, more weapons, etc to bring back to a manageable level
  • until it is propped up again under another guise.
  • the cycle continues



You can insert any name into the above formula, gaddafi, saddam, Assad, usama or even the new nut jobs - Isis/ Daesh, whatever.......


Never do we actually want to solve the problem as that would break the cycle and hence the business model.


This time round - special recognition to Merkel for having the best of intentions however not thinking her Refugee policy through and opening the floodgates to god knows how many hundreds / thousands of sleepers now in Europe.


Europe inc UK already is a paradise for all sorts of nutters - Abu-Hamza being one of many many examples. we give them a safe haven to preach their hatred and run their recruitment campaign and then cry wolf when it bites us in the backside - Look at the French terrorist - the authorities were aware of them and did bugger all / homegrown


how stupid can one be?


Look at this article as a contributing factor - we allow societies to be broken up / segregated communities

another community with loads of issues - breeding radicalism and extremism on both sides

how do these nutters contribute to european societies? they must be on the dole? indirectly we are funding them


some people call this tolerance - I call it stupidity.


They're American made, as the saying goes - you do the math.


I asked earlier on for concrete proof just waiting on a reply from someone.


Good post imi and bang on, once ISISISIS are 'gone' we need another boogie man.


What gets me is that people are still claiming this is a religious affair when the highest causulty by a HUGE margin are Muslims.


If it is a religious war then why are they not attacking Israel? Why are they killing thousands upon thousands of the people in the same religion?


Let's get this straight that ISIS were funded by the US, UK and other nations. The groups/dictators before them were also at one point allies of the US, fact.


Now I have been to Saudi and witness with my own eyes the large US military presence there & they are good allies, so Saudi are not alone in this funding.


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I think the term 'religious war' is all encompassing, my knowledge of Islamic history is limited, but I should think various factions have fought for supremacy since its inception. That is certainly the case with Christianity, just look at what Henry VIII did to the Catholic Church in England.


As in all groups, religions are susceptible to power struggles. People try to force their interpretation on others for various reasons, though it is often for personal gain.

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I think the term 'religious war' is all encompassing, my knowledge of Islamic history is limited, but I should think various factions have fought for supremacy since its inception. That is certainly the case with Christianity, just look at what Henry VIII did to the Catholic Church in England.


As in all groups, religions are susceptible to power struggles. People try to force their interpretation on others for various reasons, though it is often for personal gain.


Abz makes a good point - it's these nutters were fighting for some Islamic / religious cause (albeit their twisted interpretation) then how come they don't attack the "arch enemy" Israel?


To me the whole thing is a sham...unfortunately many thousands of lives have been impacted and continue to do so as we get hoodwinked by the powers to be through the media.

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Good post imi and bang on, once ISISISIS are 'gone' we need another boogie man.


What gets me is that people are still claiming this is a religious affair when the highest causulty by a HUGE margin are Muslims.


If it is a religious war then why are they not attacking Israel? Why are they killing thousands upon thousands of the people in the same religion?


Let's get this straight that ISIS were funded by the US, UK and other nations. The groups/dictators before them were also at one point allies of the US, fact.


Now I have been to Saudi and witness with my own eyes the large US military presence there & they are good allies, so Saudi are not alone in this funding.




Where's the facts?


Let's get this straight, you have no facts and are using conjecture to try prove your point.


Again this is a religious affair.

Stop trying to deny it.

Just because they are killing Muslims doesn't make it not religious.


Would you attack Israel?

I don't even think we would attack Israel.

Israel have a great defence programs, have very advanced weaponry and tactics so they are a formidable target.


And I love when everyone uses the word allies and how everyone is an ally with the US.


Just because a trade is done, a deal is made or there is a pact of some sort doesn't make you best buds.

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Yeah looks like the French are (quite rightly) going in hard and trying to get the suspects pinned down as soon as possible.


In terms of Daesh, in my opinion it is a religious war on the front (ignoring for a moment all of the deals that are going on behind the scenes) although it is a massively twisted, warped version of a religion. Anyone who has looked into them further knows the mentality they have, it's fanatical in the extreme.


There are most definitely deals going on behind close doors though.


I would strongly urge anyone with an opinion on them or interested in knowing more to read this;



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Abz makes a good point - it's these nutters were fighting for some Islamic / religious cause (albeit their twisted interpretation) then how come they don't attack the "arch enemy" Israel?




As Al said, Israel is a very different enemy to Syria or Iraq. They are well trained, have the best equipment, and are experienced.


But there are plenty of articles online that describe how occupying the whole Levant is one of their longer term aims.

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As Al said, Israel is a very different enemy to Syria or Iraq. They are well trained, have the best equipment, and are experienced.


But there are plenty of articles online that describe how occupying the whole Levant is one of their longer term aims.


This ^^ Israel aren't a third world milita / group of freedom fighters. They're a very dominant army who would wreck Daesh. Best way to think of Daesh is as a school bully, he'll pick on the weak or groups of people who can't defend themselves. But anyone bigger than him he'll leave well alone.



with France and Russian running active bombing campaigns, UK & US strategic airstrikes and the odd spate from other nations I think it's the beginning of the end for them (Until they no doubt merge with the Taliban or Al Qaeda et al)

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Where's the facts?


Let's get this straight, you have no facts and are using conjecture to try prove your point.


Again this is a religious affair.

Stop trying to deny it.

Just because they are killing Muslims doesn't make it not religious.


Would you attack Israel?

I don't even think we would attack Israel.

Israel have a great defence programs, have very advanced weaponry and tactics so they are a formidable target.


And I love when everyone uses the word allies and how everyone is an ally with the US.


Just because a trade is done, a deal is made or there is a pact of some sort doesn't make you best buds.


Facts - isn't 25years of terror in the middle east where millions have lost their lives not FACT enough for you?


Religious / non-religious - What is the big deal either way? why are you so hell bent on it? watch the recent documentary of the british girls who went to Syria to be ISIS brides - those that managed to escape confirmed that they were NOT religious and were a bunch of nutters. Is that FACT enough for you or are you looking to personally interview those subjects?


As for Israel - I may be wrong, however I do find it strange that Isis don't even MENTION Israel in any of their rhetoric. normally for such nutters they cant seem to take a breath without mentioning Israel.

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The fact they do not seem to mention Israel much, if at all (I can't say I trawl social media sites at all), suggests either they are not the arch enemy of IS, or something I have wondered for some time. How many IS supporters or members are more akin to football hooligans? Ill disciplined, poor and angry young people who get a kick from causing a ruckus? Some ruckus, for sure, but in many ways their activities seem like a few steps beyond a big football riot, or the riots following the shooting of that black gangster, where 95% wouldn't have had a clue who he even was, and were along for the ride, high on anarchy, violence and with the stimulation of plenty of drugs to boot.


It seems drugs may have had a role in the French killings, from reading this morning's paper. It also suggests a lack of religious high ground and morality in one of the perpetrators, his ex wife describes him as a pot smoking, layabout. Never went to a Mosque, and partook of alcohol. Sounds like a lot like other trash, white or black, disenfranchised, living in a ghetto, out of work on benefits, and with near zero ambition or self respect. There's a few thousand more a comin'..... Marvellous.

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Facts - isn't 25years of terror in the middle east where millions have lost their lives not FACT enough for you?


Religious / non-religious - What is the big deal either way? why are you so hell bent on it? watch the recent documentary of the british girls who went to Syria to be ISIS brides - those that managed to escape confirmed that they were NOT religious and were a bunch of nutters. Is that FACT enough for you or are you looking to personally interview those subjects?


As for Israel - I may be wrong, however I do find it strange that Isis don't even MENTION Israel in any of their rhetoric. normally for such nutters they cant seem to take a breath without mentioning Israel.


Yes 25 years of terror in the Middle East is a fact.


The Eiffel Tower is in France, fact

London is in England, fact.


But what have those facts got to do with a member stating a "FACT" when it's not a fact?


Shall we talk facts?


You not any members here know anything for a FACT or for certain.


You use social media and the news outlets and other sites to state your FACTs




The big deal is when someone says blah blah blah FACT when it's not a fact.


Simple enough.

I'm not hell bent on it, it just winds me up when people say "their not Muslims, it's not religious blah blah"

When they are using religion as their excuse.

Wether they are actually religious or not is besides the point.


Their flag is religious is it not?

Or is that another made up text from the Quran?


Did that documentary film in Syria, in the locations where Isis are and interview Isis members?


Or just some girls who came back because they realised the mistake they got in, or came back to try and disillusion the world on their ways?


So where are your FACTS? Or does saying the word fact automatically make it fact without any evidence?


Must be true because you said so.


The only nutters that mention Israel in every breath are the conspiracy nutters who keep bashing on about zionists, the new world order and Palestine.


Just because Isis don't mention Israel in their videos or speeches means nothing to us.


Or is that FACT that Israel fund them and arm them?


Must be

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Yes 25 years of terror in the Middle East is a fact.


The Eiffel Tower is in France, fact

London is in England, fact.


But what have those facts got to do with a member stating a "FACT" when it's not a fact?


Shall we talk facts?


You not any members here know anything for a FACT or for certain.


You use social media and the news outlets and other sites to state your FACTs




The big deal is when someone says blah blah blah FACT when it's not a fact.


Simple enough.

I'm not hell bent on it, it just winds me up when people say "their not Muslims, it's not religious blah blah"

When they are using religion as their excuse.

Wether they are actually religious or not is besides the point.


Their flag is religious is it not?

Or is that another made up text from the Quran?


Did that documentary film in Syria, in the locations where Isis are and interview Isis members?


Or just some girls who came back because they realised the mistake they got in, or came back to try and disillusion the world on their ways?


So where are your FACTS? Or does saying the word fact automatically make it fact without any evidence?


Must be true because you said so.


The only nutters that mention Israel in every breath are the conspiracy nutters who keep bashing on about zionists, the new world order and Palestine.


Just because Isis don't mention Israel in their videos or speeches means nothing to us.


Or is that FACT that Israel fund them and arm them?


Must be


On imi's note, let us start on facts.


Has ISIS killed more Muslims than non Muslims? Yes, by a HUGE amount.


The last time I went to the Dubai, Doha, Riyadh, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Amman in the last few years - I did not see terror (or are they not in the Middle East?).


To add I went to Iran earlier this year too and shock horror - I didn't have to worry being out late at night that someone will stab me (also in the Middle East, unless it moved since my last visit).


I had to quote the next bit as you say it doesn't matter if they are religious or not then question if it is religious :D


Wether they are actually religious or not is besides the point.


Their flag is religious is it not?

Or is that another made up text from the Quran?

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On imi's note, let us start on facts.


Has ISIS killed more Muslims than non Muslims? Yes, by a HUGE amount.


The last time I went to the Dubai, Doha, Riyadh, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Amman in the last few years - I did not see terror (or are they not in the Middle East?).


To add I went to Iran earlier this year too and shock horror - I didn't have to worry being out late at night that someone will stab me (also in the Middle East, unless it moved since my last visit).


I had to quote the next bit as you say it doesn't matter if they are religious or not then question if it is religious :D


Again with the Isis killed more Muslims.

Yes we know that is fact.


There has been no denying that, but there's also no denying that they are killing loads of other faiths and beliefs.


So is Egypt, Israel and many other countries that aren't in disarray


Oh wait, is this another blame the US thing?

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