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Who here has the FASTEST broadband?


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Hello ladies and gentleman.


I'm just wondering who here has the best broadband speed so I can decide which provider to go for. I'm tired of lacklustre upload speeds so I'm thinking of going with fibre optic broadband. I would post up speedtest results for my connection at home but I'm at work.


So if you guys don't mind posting up your results and experiences with ISPs that would be great and much appreciated :)

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We had O2 which wasn't bad at all


14Mb on average for £11.50 pm (incl discount for mobile contracts with them etc)


So what did we do?

We went with Sky - new HD box, phone line, broadband etc...


It sucks. 5Mb atm :rolleyes:


Edit: OK, it's now @ 9.13Mb - so I'll watch this space, as I believe it takes Sky 10 days from going on-line to stabilize/maximize their internet speeds etc...

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I'm tired of lacklustre upload speeds so I'm thinking of going with fibre optic broadband.


Then your choice of providers has just dropped to two, Virgin, or if your exchange is one of the relatively few that have been upgraded so far, BT.

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50mb Virgin bb - when tested the result is normally around 48/49, so all good



i would insult to you here, regarding how fast broadband you have, But Dam thats Impressive. :D


Im stuck with a piddly 11mb. :( Sky

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I'm feeling a little inadequate here, 3MB


I guess its what you get for living out in the rolling Devon countryside :) Would I swap the astounding views and clean air for faster broadband....?














In a heartbeat :)

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Ooops. I actually posted in that thread so there is no excuse.


Then your choice of providers has just dropped to two, Virgin, or if your exchange is one of the relatively few that have been upgraded so far, BT.


Ah crap- I doubt I have BT's fibre optic bb in my area yet and I can't go with Virgin. I'm actually getting 16MB download from Sky because I'm not that far from the exchange but its the intermittent connection and low upload speed that's annoying.

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I was with Sky up until late March just gone.

10mb package , hitting around 8mb on a good day, but up & down like a yoyo. Just got fed up with it in the end, threw it out along with their TV/phone package


id love to tell them where to Shove it, but unfortunately i dont get virgin about my Area. Dam living in Scotland, lucky if we get water and Electricity on a good day. :D

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I am with Virgin media don't know what speed but it is one step below 50mb. It is not the dl speed which is impressive but the upload speed. We transfer lots of pictures and videos on to facebook and takes little time compare then before..

Download speed depends on the source, torrent depends on other dl speed..

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I will trade you my 50mb connection for your roads..


Any day :) Potholes every 10 yards that you could park a small car in, I have replaced 3 sets of wheels so far after getting cracked or buckled


The supra is willing but the tarmac is weak :)


I'm not sure what I would do with a 50mb connection?!?! I'm fairly sure it would involve a lot of tissues though.

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Ah crap- I doubt I have BT's fibre optic bb in my area yet and I can't go with Virgin. I'm actually getting 16MB download from Sky because I'm not that far from the exchange but its the intermittent connection and low upload speed that's annoying.


Then you're stuck with ADSL, and they're all pretty much the same.

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Not the quickest but a huge improvement on my 1.5mbps I used to get until 48 hours ago.




This is with BT Infinity, Virgin do provide better top end speeds but I can't get them in my area.


As Caseys advised I need to maybe get a better wireless card to make use of the speeds, but I am getting 20mbps (download) on my iPad :D

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