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Movie car show pics - as requested.


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Hi Guys,


Some of you showed an interest in seeing some of the pics from random car shows i have attended with my car over the years so heres a few for you to take a look at.


These are from a local show that happens every june in Morpeth.










KITT was mine and the General Lee and Starsky Ford Gran Torino belong to my mate neil.


These few pics are from a show at Woodhorn where some of the "Cars of The Stars" museum cars from Keswick were there (cant find my pics of those though and the green eclipse from F&F was there)



Alan, Me and Scott with our KITT replicas



Me and my friend Theo (who looks surprisingly like the Doc from Back To The Future)


Some Pics from one of the Knightcon TV & Movie shows that i attend every year



The Knight Semi Truck



The new 2010 KITT Mustang



General Lee (not belonging to my mate Neil)



Plymouth Fury - Made famous by the film "Christine"



This is Me and Mike Scheffe, The guy that designed KITT and also the Delorean from BTTF. Really nice guy. Got to take him for a ride around Yorkshire in my KITT.



Mike Scheffe in my KITT Replica





The DeLorean. This didn't have the externals but still a mega rare car (which is why he wouldn't convert it fully). It did have a Flux Capacator though :)





My Personal Faveourite, the Shelby Mustang GT500 from Gone In 60 Seconds. The guy has spent around 80k on this car.



Trans Am from Smokey And The Bandit Part II.



Trans Am from Smokey And The Bandit. The guy was looking to get rid of the blue ASAP to make it more like the film car.



Another Ford Gran Torino (not owned by my mate Neil)




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Here are some pics from the most recent show/convention





Ecto1 From Ghostbusters.





The A Team van (Complete with authentic weapons) The guy ran into a car when he left the show. Luckily there was no damage to the Van due to the huge bull bar grille on the front :)





Bumblebee from transformers. This is an original transformers Edition with the Autobot Badges. The guy only had it imported the week before the show and this was it's first outing. He was NOT amused when some kid knocked the barrier stand (meant to protect the car) and it fell onto the wing putting a small dent in it :(



me with a guy who has one of the original suits from Batman Begins. Really nice guy. Paid a fortune for it and was boiling. He was seen eating an ice cream later to cool off. Wish i'd took a photo of that. :(



This is Steves car that was still a non runner at the time with a crappy interior. he has brought this to the last few shows in different guises as it gots done up. It was a shell with Stars on it a few years ago from the episode "slammin sammys stunt show spectacular" and this year he had it crashing through a wall.





A really hot Princess Leia with a troop of Stormtroopers (couldn't resist getting close for a photo ;)



Some battlestar Galactica costumes (Love the Cylon)



An angry Darth Vader that actually really hit Darren in the Balls haha.



Me with the Stig :) (Got a pic of him in KITT later too)



There were a total of 7 DeLoreans there that day, from all over the country.


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Lovely cars but where your old supra! :p Also loving the gt500 :drool: and the general lee, but noticed its the wrong back end on the charger.


Never took the F&F car as at the time it was my daily driver and KITT was my show car. Now i've sold KITT, the F&F car is gonna be my main show car and the 300ZX is my daily driver.


The charger parts are hard to get and he still hasn't been able to source the lights. Also, it's not just as east as swapping the lenses, there's cutting and filling to be done which i didn't realise. I thought it'd be straight swap. He paid a really stupid amount for the front Grille with the bullnose part in it.

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Never took the F&F car as at the time it was my daily driver and KITT was my show car. Now i've sold KITT, the F&F car is gonna be my main show car and the 300ZX is my daily driver.


The charger parts are hard to get and he still hasn't been able to source the lights. Also, it's not just as east as swapping the lenses, there's cutting and filling to be done which i didn't realise. I thought it'd be straight swap. He paid a really stupid amount for the front Grille with the bullnose part in it.


Ahh shame, I did have the pleasure of seeing it a couple of years back at supra pod, and even that one looked good, all be it some things wern't quiet right, (Bit of fnf geek :p) I'm sure the new one is going to be great.




As for the charger that doesn't surprise me weren't the different production years with the variations of rear lights?

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At Least people may understand why i'm doing it now, with the types of shows i attend.


Nice to see a pic of my old car there.Thanks for that :)


I know it wasn't perfect. Believe me, i know the F&F car inside out and it was really hard to get the parts. I made do with the Copy Graphics (which weren't perfect by a long shot) and 5Zigen wheels (which i had planned to change). I'm striving to get this one a lot better.


Wonder if the Supra is still around in that form. I heard some chick had de-graphiced it and painted it black? Don't know how far it's true though.

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and the general lee, but noticed its the wrong back end on the charger.

And most of the front is wrong too



As for the charger that doesn't surprise me weren't the different production years with the variations of rear lights?



yep you are quite correct, the car in the picture is not a 69 charger


Most people buy 68 or 70 chargers and retro fit 69 parts but due to the show and films destroying so many 68, 69 and 70 chargers there aren't many left


I think the car in the picture is either a 70 or 71

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the chargers a 68 mate. 70 to 71 totaly different car thear smaller. and nice work on your supra


Yep my bad, it's a 68, wasnt looking at the rear all to well

but the 70 isn't a Totally different car


It's the final year of the B body with only subtle differences between the 68, 69 and 70

The 71 was a new line up but still very similar

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Some fantastic cars there :cool:


I saw a Delorean a few years ago at a local track day. This seemed very odd to me, so i got chatting to the owner who went on to show me the turbo conversion he had fitted! Seriously flawed, but seriously cool cars.

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