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Might have found our new Beagle!


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We've been looking for ages but Teresa has found a buddy for our Harry for sale in Hertfordshire. We want another male tri-colour

and these two fellas have just become available:





Tree wants the one on the right but I like the fugly one on the LHS. Either will be fine I guess.


She was like "Hertfordshire, we'll have to stay overnight". I think she thinks Herts is up by Yorkshire or something.




Cute though, aren't they?

I can't wait to see Harry with the new guy.

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Yeah but they're 800 quid each though Si ! :(



They don't half snore as well. "H" sleeps in a crate on our bedroom floor and the little git woke me up at 4 this morning, he was making such a racket.

You wouldn't believe such little dogs could be so noisy! We must be mad getting another but it's gonna be such a laugh having two of them. Harry cracks me up all the time.

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Yeah but they're 800 quid each though Si ! :(



They don't half snore as well. "H" sleeps in a crate on our bedroom floor and the little git woke me up at 4 this morning, he was making such a racket.

You wouldn't believe such little dogs could be so noisy! We must be mad getting another but it's gonna be such a laugh having two of them. Harry cracks me up all the time.


Blooming eck...bet they aint cheap to feed when they get bigger either.


I have forgotten what its like to have a dog, its been so long..mine used to curl up on the end of my bed...and basically try kick me out he he...id then wait till he was sleeping then id slowly push him off the end and he'd land on the floor he he. Then he'd come and wash my face in the morning when he wanted to go walkies.


Its difficult to get back into the world of dog owning after so long and they need so much attention and excercise..I'm determind to get another dog..but will obviously have to change my lifestyle..In a way i guess must be like having kids.


I prefer the one on the right but like you i'd prob pick the one on the left coz i feel sorry for him (and the one on the right might turn out to be gay coz hes pretty:d ) and you dont want him bumming Harry when he gets older :p

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I'd go for the fugly one, he'll suit you better :D :p
:D True, dat.






Blooming eck...bet they aint cheap to feed when they get bigger either.
Nah, they eat anything/everything. He hardly gets dog food because he has so many leftovers.


Its difficult to get back into the world of dog owning after so long and they need so much attention and excercise
If you can't manage to walk a dog then you probably need some exercise yourself! (PKB though)


..I'm determind to get another dog..but will obviously have to change my lifestyle
Not really, you could get a toy poodle. :D


..In a way i guess must be like having kids.
Yeah, my beagle is forever coming home pissed and asking for pocket money. He could probably wash the Supra as well as they do though.


you dont want him bumming Harry when he gets older
As long as they don't wake me up I don't care what they do.
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[quote=Jake;1456303 Not really, you could get a toy poodle. :D





Yes I can just see myself now...carrying a Poodle in a Lui Viton bag...with its own pink cushon in the back of a gay Jeep Wrangler.:limp:


No i mean having to get turffed outa bed to go walkies and not being able to go out without feeling guilty and god knows what else.


Besides i hate small dogs, orrbile little yapping things...I dont want one as a fashon accessory like they do in France where you have to walk about wearing a dead Poodle and carrying a Baguette to fit in..


I want some big mad dog thats a challenge, one that will laugh at all my jokes and listen to my stories and snuggle up with and have adventures with like the dog i had as a teenager, he'd go everywhere with me, we were inseperable. Some of the companies i worked for people even used to bring their dogs to work..i cant do that coz the job i now do. its not possible i'll have to go work back in a dog friendly office!

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those beagles are sooo wiley...


My mate had one years back and it used to sit on the sofa next to you, leaning up against the arm and watch tele... then if you give it a 'you shouldn't be on the sofa' type look, it would just stare right back at you like 'what?'... little buggers.. their cuteness is their most deadly weapon!

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OMGz it's teh cuteness!!!




Awwwwwww :)



There's also no way our Dane will sleep in the same room as us, she snores too much and would be trying to sneak (haha!) onto the bed given half a chance. She has her own room ;)


I know Angela wants another dog but I'm not keen on the idea, 'kita already gets left on her own for a few hours at a time so not something that's a good idea for a puppy. It's also bad enough now getting Angela's parents to look after the dog and two guinea pigs if we want to go away anywhere for any length of time. I don't they'd be too impressed with another dog.


...I would quite like a cat though at some point.

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