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can anyone else smell war with europe looming


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i dont watch much news but caught abit last night and it was about the euro simit or something and britain was wanting a rebait of some sort for the money it had put in to bail europe out, but as we have now ditched them they didnt want to give our money back,and i dont know i just got a feeling from where it was going there was going to be war in the new year

history shows us with resesion there comes war, also some readings say the world ends in 2012 i have heard.


anyone else feel that we are on a slippry slop

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The nazis party is growing fast in Germany and europe, We have a navy without aircraft carriers or jets. No budget for war, A military scattered over in Iran, Afganistan and Iraq. We're doomed


Is it time to set up our home guard.

Pitchforks at the ready chaps!


I sincerely hope you're jesting.

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...britain was wanting a rebait of some sort for the money it had put in to bail europe out


history shows us with resesion there comes war, also some readings say the world ends in 2012 i have heard.

Well, if Britain will go around re-baiting other countries, we'll have to take what's coming to us. :D


I don't see a war coming. IMO history shows us that with religion and territory disputes [edit: and oil :) ], comes war. Recession brings social unrest and a feeling of malcontent.


People have been predicting the end of the world probably every year for the last 20+ years. One day they might get it right, in the same way that even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

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i know they feel detrayed by us for backing out but we was never really fully in anyway we still had our pounds, i think next year will be intresting as the ecinomical cilmate is well very poor and could be worse because of this,

your right it is france that has said we shouldnt get the 2.7 billion and says its not a act of war and wont come with tanks before christmas,

sounds like it is too me pal


get all our troops that are eveywhere else but britain back here for christmas theres a storm coming. sod the oil we got bigger problems.


our shall we see if the queen gives the nod and MEP joseph Daul has a car crash in a tunnel :innocent:

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People have been predicting the end of the world probably every year for the last 20+ years. One day they might get it right, in the same way that even a broken clock is correct twice a day.


True, there is no way of predicting it, just becuase the Myan calender ends in 2012 does not mean that the world will end, and just becuase some nut job says it will end in 2012 again does not mean it will.

If some people who predicted it were correct, then the earth would have been destroyed quite a few times by now! .


No point worrying about it..


All the hype about the media over the last few years is one of the reasons why I stopped watching the news... strange enough my life has been so much less stressful since, and to be honest what i hear in the office i am kinda glad i dont know about it.


As long as I have my wife, my health and a roof over my head then I am happy ...

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What a strange thread. Europe is just upset with us that we don't toe the 'company' line like all the other sheep.


What it does mean, is that the UK will be more competitive in the global market, and China is a potentially huge customer.


I'll be buying a tin hat just in case. :)


The one thing I can advise you is this. Don't believe or read anything in the press. They twist everything to suit their own needs/opinions and to sell news/chip papers.

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The one thing I can advise you is this. Don't believe or read anything in the press. They twist everything to suit their own needs and to sell news/chip papers.


Exactly!!.. this is why I don’t watch or read the news... Just a bunch of timewasters with nothing else better to do then try and scaremonger society into a corner so we are forced to do what the other idiots (the government) want us to do.


The News is a clever commercial/political stunt.. Nothing more.

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Exactly!!.. this is why I don’t watch or read the news... Just a bunch of timewasters with nothing else better to do then try and scaremonger society into a corner so we are forced to do what the other idiots (the government) want us to do.


The News is a clever commercial/political stunt.. Nothing more.



like i said first of all i dont watch news or read papers but what caught my attention was the thing about the god particle you know that machine that can create black holes (end of the world maybe you never know).

then see these 2 guys having a row over money and britain and tanks and war was used in the conversasion.

where im from thems fighting words. :D

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what caught my attention was the thing about the god particle you know that machine that can create black holes (end of the world maybe you never know).


We do know. If you read science papers and listened to what the physicists who work there say, rather than a BBC reporter, there is a 0.0% chance of accidentally creating a black hole that will eat the solar system.

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Yes about war..., but apparently there IS a growing problem in germany with a Nazi members and more and more 'race hate crime' etc.



my girlfriend is polish and there is a big following in poland as well even though they got treated so terrible in wars i went there last year and there was a few swastikas around i could see.

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We do know. If you read science papers and listened to what the physicists who work there say, rather than a BBC reporter, there is a 0.0% chance of accidentally creating a black hole that will eat the solar system.


too be fare i havent read any papers on particle accelarators its abit past my knowledge, but there goal was to try and recreate the start of the universe, and was doing work the they did not know what the out come was, thats why you would do a test you can predict what the probable answer will be but who knows what it can create if something went wrong

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