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the LOST series 6 thread


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I am now erring towards the opinion that Jacob is the bad guy and that black shirt man is not.


I am also thinking that tonight's episode shows that Jacob too can look like another person as in coming to Richard as his wife when he was shackled on the boat.

I think it's more like they are fighting together and you can't judge it in our terms of good and bad. Seems that Jacob is the powerful one (the god) and has imprisoned Black/Flocke on the island. Don't know what Black is but I still think he's bad and Jacob is his guardian. Hence the bottle analogy; Black is the 'bad' wine that wants to get out and Jacob is controlling the island to be the cork.

Not sure about the little conversation he had with Ricardo saying he wants people to realise their potential for good or whatever it was, and he recruited him to 'help' people make the choice (over Black). Maybe Black was one of the first 'people' he brought to the island who is naturally bad, he argued that humanity is always bad and Jacob disagreed, and then Jacob 'took away his humanity' and turned him into smoke man?


Also, I think it was Black who appeared as his wife, in order to trick him into thinking that killing Jacob would bring her back, I think Jacob is just Jacob and Black is the tricky shapeshifting nasty one (the devil).


Was in the first 5 minutes that was declared, Richard said it.

Richard's mental though, hence them saying he doesn't actually know anything. He's been on the island for ages but the whole ep was showing that he's a naive and hugely religious Spanish bloke who wanted to live forever as the lesser of two evils (well 3; not being able to see his wife, not being absolved of his sins to God, and dying). He thought from the start it was hell they were going to (the island is protected by the Devil as the other slave said), but Jacob actually told him he wasn't dead didn't he? I think we can discount Richard as anything meaningful. he's just a messed up guy who's been around for a while.

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its starting to annoy me now this new series,


The story is good, im liking the arkwardness of it, but does anybody feel that they are just anwsering questions every episode just for the hell of it?? why they not done that throughout


smoke, richard, jacob, what dystroyed the statue etc etc

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OK this makes things clear.


The people in the temple gave Sy the same dagger to kill flocke. However it seems that its ment for jacob. I think they where confused about who was good and who was evil.


Rich is mad hes not dead but was being used as a means to an end.

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its starting to annoy me now this new series,


The story is good, im liking the arkwardness of it, but does anybody feel that they are just anwsering questions every episode just for the hell of it?? why they not done that throughout


smoke, richard, jacob, what dystroyed the statue etc etc



They have to answer them sometime it is the last series ?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Think it'll come down to whether fLocke is a good or bad guy, maybe there will be a flashback episode for the Jacob/MIB saga.


I dont see a way they can end this well. Did anyone ever say why the Darma lot where there? Did they know about the gods on the island?


I want to know why he killed mr fn echo!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just watched episode 15 - wow! Really enjoyed that one.



Which episode was that? Has that been aired in the UK yet?


Spoiler alert:


So, Jin and Sun are now out of it, then?


It looks like they've been living in a parallel universe all along, and as they 'die' in the 'Lost' world, they just carry on living in the 'Real' world as though nothing ever happened, except they all shared a plane journey?



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i totally stopped watching Lost, I used to love it but then it seemed they just started to add stuff to drag it out :(



It is confusing, and I have watched every episode, but I still haven't a clue what's going on really.


As for Heroes, I've watched all of that too, and that second series was really bad, especially the ending. What an anti-climax, but maybe the third series will be better now they are 'out', so to speak. :search:

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the jacob episode was a good one - still don't get what the "light" / smoke thing is ... Flock is awesome - i just get the feeling the real lock is somehow the guy who was the bad one from day 1... like he knew why he came to the island and for what purpose....


the seasons do usually start off with stuff being dragged on .... season 2/3 were the worst imo

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Can someone please explain the Flocke thing? Glad I didnt read this until now, would have ruined everything!

OK so I think I get it, the white and black costumes, the "its in the hearts of all men" thing.

Whos the actor playing the guy in black? Cant think where Ive seen him before.

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I thought it was good, although I cant work out who filled in that massive well the black guy dug. The flash forward to Jack/Kate was intruiging. And now we know where the smoke monster came from. Did Jacobs act of throwing him in there upset everything?

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Obviously 'mother' was some powerful person who could fill in the well and stuff, she 'made it so they can't hurt each other' and that they can't leave etc. And hid the stream to the light so nobody can find it (Black/Flocke searched for 30 years).


That still doesn't explain anything though. How does Flocke think he can leave the island? Why do the survivors have to go with him (or die)? It was Jacob who brings people to the island isn't it? Someone to take over? Why is that relevant? If Jacob wanted to leave as well I guess they both could have, so now he brought more potentials they ALL have to go or die? So Jacobs dead and it's just the potentials he needs? How did he find that out?

And also; why did Jacob seem so much more simple than Black?


Is it gonna be as simple as Jacob protecting the light, Black wanting to leave, they have a stalemate. Jacob brings people to the island as potentials or maybe to stop Black leaving. Dharma went there because of Jacob? Or because of the magnetic dealy?


Only 3 episodes left.

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Only 2 left ;) And Flocke, Fake Locke? what does Flocke mean??

As with the whole series, start to finish Ive given up trying to understand whats going on, I just live in hope of a crystal clear ending! All thats clear so far is Jacob, white = good, black = bad/evil

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... All thats clear so far is Jacob, white = good, black = bad/evil


Is it that clear? I don't think so. Remember that Jacob was at fault for killing his brother by knocking him out and letting him drift into the light. Does that mean that Jacob is evil? The black smoke only seems to kill those who are evil (inc Echo who was evil at one time) and yet there seems little evidence of Jacob being good.

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