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just completed Fallout 3, 8hrs solid last night couldnt escape from it lol :) bout 16hrs in total its quite a long game, i stuck to the main quests too, without going to a lot of the places


Going to play it all again now, as a complete cunt, blow up things, kill people and stay away from the main quest. see how enthrilling it really can be

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My character is a Bloke called Max, and after finding that wearing glasses gave one extra damage resistance point, he looks like a cross between me, Gary Sinise, and Gordon Freeman. What a pedigree :)


Sounds HOT.


Is there no turn based combat in this then? Or is that what the VATS thing is all about?


It'll be the PS3 version for me (hoping I get it for Christmas :innocent:), my PC is nowhere near capable of running it. I'm still plodding through Oblivion, I've been too busy plodding through side quests and exploring that I don't think I've got very far at all in the main story line.


Fallout 3 is so last weekend. It's all about Left 4 Dead now.


Motherf**kin Zombeenies in the house.


Not heard of it before now, looks good though! :)


just completed Fallout 3, 8hrs solid last night couldnt escape from it lol :) bout 16hrs in total its quite a long game, i stuck to the main quests too, without going to a lot of the places


Just 16 hours? Well that's rather disappointing, I was hoping it would be much longer than that.

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yeah there is, as i said i just stuck to the main quest, i will be playing again with propper exploring etc, much more hours within that, you cant explore the rest of the world when the main quest is complete, the game just ends, so bare that in mind

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There is ment to be some 300 Hours worth of play.


I can believe it.


I'm terrible at playing these games and not wanting to miss ANYTHING. This generally means scouring every inch of the map, making lots of saves and then trying different things just to see the reaction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is everyone doing on Fallout?


I've discovered quite a bit of it (maybe 25%?) and got to half way on level 9....


I still haven't found the underground Ghoul city though.. and I've trawled most of the sewer/subway.


I had a run in with four Wastelanders last night. They told me about a place called Oasis (North in the middle, on the edge of the game map) where you can get 'loads of stuff', and then half way through telling me decided they then had to kill me!? ..so they opened fire. I was quite close to all of them at the time so Mr Sawn-off Shotgun managed to pop their heads before any of them could get a hit on me. The cut scene should probably come with a health warning. It was quite satisfying though.


This is a very addictive game.

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My word it's massive, massive I say.


I have one friend who's finished it, one who's well into the main quest, one who's just started and I've been going around doing as many side quests as possible and ignoring the main one a fair bit. All of us have had wildly different encounters, experiences, and found different things/places.


I daren't think how much time I've put into it. You need to explore and do the side quests. I found the Vault-Tec head office and now I have five vaults marked on the map to visit. I went to one and it was a tomb... or so I thought until Gary showed up :blink: I've met Mecha-Man and the AntAgonist, I had a bloke run up to me going "I've got a bomb on my back help help" so I ran away and he exploded. Some geezer in a ruined building way down south shouted at me about the light then keeled over and died. I gave a kid some drugs and he od'd haha.


There is a lot of bizarre, wierd, entertaining, or just plain nasty stuff out there!

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I've not played it for 9 days now as I felt like crap from playing late into the night hunched in my chair.

Working on a computer all day and then spending all night in front of it just wrecks my muscles in my shoulders and back. Then the RSI started causing issues again so I had to have a break. :(

Shame as I might not get back into it properly again. This always happens after I find a good game.

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Few things pi55ed me off with Fallout 3


1) inconsistant with the other fallout games

2) part of plot covered in other fallout game and changed

3) couldnt carry on at the end and forgot to save it before hand :(


All in all very very good though and hope they do more!

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Not really got into it yet, not bought a PC game for a while and then I go buy Fallout 3, Farcry 2 and COD World at War inside two weeks !


Fallout 3 is too much for me tbh, I much prefer to switch on, blow sh*t up for a bit and the switch it off. Thought I'd try Fallout but it's not my thing really.


Far Cry is getting better, but I need to give it more time, and I don't have much at the mo :( Enjoying COD WaW but Modern Warfare was better, the WW2 thing has been done to death.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still playing it, still avoiding most of the main quest, scouring the top left area of the map now. Finished levelling up ages ago but don't care :) Met Harold! Ber-limey. Glad to see he's still in the series and has finally put down roots haha. Found Dulwich House and never want to go back again :eek: :scare: I play it in the dark and that really creeped me out. I also found a byzantine domino-style setup in an old shop, that was really odd.


I also found Oasis - green trees! Green grass! Bushes!


Give it a bit more poking around then I'll finish the main quest. It's an epic game.


Oh and Left4Dead is the bestest co-op game ever, loving it. So far I and two other people have had fever dreams the night after playing it, and I found when out for a run in the evening that I was spotting zombie-shapes in the shadows - great :angry:



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I'm up to about 30hours playing this fallout 3, damn addictive! i've been avoiding most of the main story so far too, just wandering about and exploring the place :)


Not too sure if its just mine, which i expect it is, but is the sound a bit dodgy on anyone else's? ie sound effects turning on, then suddenly going off.

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Oh and Left4Dead is the bestest co-op game ever, loving it. So far I and two other people have had fever dreams the night after playing it, and I found when out for a run in the evening that I was spotting zombie-shapes in the shadows - great :angry:




is it just me or is left4dead not available on os3 or something? i've been looking for a game for me and my sister's fiance to play while the girls are all out shopping at xmas and left4dead looked really good but i cant find it anywhere for ps3:(

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After many odd work hours I've nearly finished Fallout 3 :innocent:


Found so much amusing stuff I don't want to mention it here in case is spoils it for anyone. Got all the possible weapons now including the 'best gun in the game' ;)


It's vast, so vast, even when I thought I'd nearly found everything I was only 50% of the way there.


Very good game and for the time invested blows anything thats been release in '08 out of the water.


On another subject, has anyone got GTA4 on the PC yet? It was released today ;)

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Dulwich House sounds interesting. I've never played the other Fallout games. Is it something to do with them? If it would spoil things then don't tell me. I'll go looking for it. Sounds scary.


Nope, it's just another standalone bit of madness in the world of Fallout3. I found some holotapes in there but never found number eight in the series, annoyingly, and I'm not fecking going back. And I also couldn't disarm the trap on a computer as I'm too stoopid with explosives. I've maxed out my levels so if you go there and have 45 in explosives or better, let me know whats on it :) And if you find holotape #8.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i bought fallout 3 on release but only now getting round to playing it, any how heres my system i threw together and it runs most games very well.Amd4800+,2x8800ultra xfx cards, 4gig ram,asus sli mainboard, 1150gb hardrive,fan controller, creative sound x-fi, akasa 1000w psu






love these cards, over a year old now but still, excellent

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