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Six children who died in a house fire in Derby - Parents arrested


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Allenton is one of the scum parts of Derby, always has been. Dole dossers and drug takers haven.


I remember him from Jeremy Kyle in 2006 (I remember seeing the episode). It didnt occur to me who he was till I saw the Police press conference and reconized him.


Its always the kids that suffer when these things happen. They will be found out if they had a part in the foul play



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This country is falling apart, its a complete mess.

I fought for my so called country out east and i feel sick thinking about it, i left the forces purly because of the discussed, i have for this so called great britain.

The papers point fingers and the Tax man rapes the innocent for the punishment of the guilty to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

A large majority cant be bothered to do anything with their lives and live off of the true hard workers.


Desperation has obviously driven this couple to potentially doing this, but i blame it solely on irrasponsibility....14 kids a wife and a girlfriend.


I may offend people saying this but im not a kid person i dont like kids and never want them, although if i was ever to have one i would do my upmost to give it the world and life it deserved.

i do beleive some people are extremly irrasponsible when having kids and i think im right in saying this is definatly that case. the people that suffer insituations like this family, not including the obviouse murder charges, of course the children.


I dont have a TV purely because i dont wish to hear of al lthe uglyness in the world, what pains me most is that everyone is so ugly to each other and drives people to desperation and irrisponsible decisions.


I hope the truth comes out and who ever is responsible is punished deeply!

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I'm starting to think we need some kind of national sterilisation programme. Ideally reversible if people do go on to prove they are responsible - but 14kids? Seriously? Bring in limits of 2-3 kids max, sterilise the numpty portion of our society and perhaps we can breed this kind of lunacy out.

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This country is falling apart, its a complete mess.

I fought for my so called country out east and i feel sick thinking about it, i left the forces purly because of the discussed, i have for this so called great britain.

The papers point fingers and the Tax man rapes the innocent for the punishment of the guilty to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

A large majority cant be bothered to do anything with their lives and live off of the true hard workers.


Desperation has obviously driven this couple to potentially doing this, but i blame it solely on irrasponsibility....14 kids a wife and a girlfriend.


I may offend people saying this but im not a kid person i dont like kids and never want them, although if i was ever to have one i would do my upmost to give it the world and life it deserved.

i do beleive some people are extremly irrasponsible when having kids and i think im right in saying this is definatly that case. the people that suffer insituations like this family, not including the obviouse murder charges, of course the children.


I dont have a TV purely because i dont wish to hear of al lthe uglyness in the world, what pains me most is that everyone is so ugly to each other and drives people to desperation and irrisponsible decisions.


I hope the truth comes out and who ever is responsible is punished deeply!


I'm starting to think we need some kind of national sterilisation programme. Ideally reversible if people do go on to prove they are responsible - but 14kids? Seriously? Bring in limits of 2-3 kids max, sterilise the numpty portion of our society and perhaps we can breed this kind of lunacy out.


Absolutely agree with both of these posts. I was playing devils advocate for the parents until I saw they were charged, the police, whatever you may think of them, would not charge the parents of 6 dead children without a very good reason. No amount of jail time could compare with the lifelong guilt of this, assuming they are even remotely human.

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Bring in limits of 2-3 kids max

Not a bad idea that. It could never become law of course (human rights, civil liberties, take your pick). There's not enough resources in the world for couples to bonk their way to making their own football team.

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Not a bad idea that. It could never become law of course (human rights, civil liberties, take your pick). There's not enough resources in the world for couples to bonk their way to making their own football team.


Thats getting out of hand itself human rights, civil liberties etc, its funny how it helps so many people in the wrong out but does F all for those who live true honest lives.

I know its not for one person to determine to laws that we live with but there should be some sort of vote for all british citizans to construct some sort of law spoken by the people not by over payed rich stuck up Bastards that do nothing but lie and gamble with the economey like its there own personal monopoly

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Just cut the benefits for more than 2 kids, no civil liberty issues with this surely. Up to 2 kids full benefit after that there is no incentive to procreate at an alarming rate. If you can't afford to personally provide for your children you should be responsible enough to not have them. I must have been bought up in the wrong way. We were always taught that if you didn't work for it you didn't have it.

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As much as I think this guy is most likely a typical dossing cretin and am starting to think that he is most likely guilty, but that remains to be proven and we have to accept that. I do however think there are a lot of generalizations being made here about people with loads of kids which could be deemed unfair. There was a guy on here last week showing us pics of his daughter's wedding and he had 9 kids, that I have to say look well looked after and well turned out. He looked respectable as did the rest of his family. Obviously I dont know his background, but assume he has worked hard to provide the best for his family. Speaking from experience here, as I have 8 children myself. 7 from my first marriage are all grown up and are doing well in life with decent careers, the 8th is just over a year old.


I worked hard and continue to do so to support my family and provide them with what they need to become responsible adults. I spent many years working long hours in dangerous location around the world in most of the hotspots and disaster situations during the 90s putting my life at risk when most of my kids were young, but felt it was worth it to provide them with what they needed in life and to get through life, uni, college, work etc. I have always paid my dues and as a high earner, sometimes (normally payday) feel I am paying much more than I should. So please don't think that just because someone has loads of kids they are automatically guilty of being thick, lazy spongers, and should have been part of some Ceacescu like birth control system.


If this pair are found guilty of some sick act then they should be punished hard, but cant help thinking that mitigation will be that they were victims of the system. Some of the systems in place in this country are wrong that's for sure, Abu Qatada springs to mind, but that's the price for having freedom of speech I guess, compared with dare I say somewhere like Syria or Saudi where Mr Philpott would not have stood a chance of survival, but then we say on the other hand that hardline compliance enforcement is unacceptable.

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I admire what you say and what you have done. but, I can't see anywhere that says limit the number of kids people can have, just stop the state providing for them. If people have 10 children and work damned hard to look after them then they have nothing but my respect and admiration. It is different when people 'pop' kids out and live in a house provided by the state as they think its their god given right. They are then frequently on the news pleading poverty while sitting in their fully furnished house, usually sat on a leather sofa with a humungous plasma tv next to them. They should look up the definition of Poverty.


I have friends that have to earn 19k a year to even match the benefits they are on for 3 kids. Where is the incentive in that. I won't plead anything here but I am off work and have been for several years due to a spine injury, I could claim benefits but don't, not because I am some kind of martyr, I just don't need to. I have principles drummed into me when younger as said above. We manage as we are so why 'claim' money.

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I admire what you say and what you have done. but, I can't see anywhere that says limit the number of kids people can have, just stop the state providing for them. If people have 10 children and work damned hard to look after them then they have nothing but my respect and admiration. It is different when people 'pop' kids out and live in a house provided by the state as they think its their god given right. They are then frequently on the news pleading poverty while sitting in their fully furnished house, usually sat on a leather sofa with a humungous plasma tv next to them. They should look up the definition of Poverty.


I have friends that have to earn 19k a year to even match the benefits they are on for 3 kids. Where is the incentive in that. I won't plead anything here but I am off work and have been for several years due to a spine injury, I could claim benefits but don't, not because I am some kind of martyr, I just don't need to. I have principles drummed into me when younger as said above. We manage as we are so why 'claim' money.


Yes and I think we both think along the same lines, and yes most people in this part of the world have no idea what true poverty is. Sadly, for the benefits system as it is to provide for the needy, also has to provide for the likes of this guy which obviously most people would consider simply incorrect, but its a price we pay for having a benefits system at all.

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Yes and I think we both think along the same lines, and yes most people in this part of the world have no idea what true poverty is. Sadly, for the benefits system as it is to provide for the needy, also has to provide for the likes of this guy which obviously most people would consider simply incorrect, but its a price we pay for having a benefits system at all.


Agreed. I kinda feel sorry for them 'if' they did and it was just to get a bigger house as they felt hard done by.



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I've said it before and i will say it again. You should have to apply for a license to have children. You should have to prove that, at the time of applying, you are in a solid financial state and are able to fulfil the demands that raising a child place on you. I would hazard a guess that most of the 'dole dossers' etc would not qualify. Years ago i was made redundant and recieved a small amount of money as part of the redundancy. Not once did i sign on at the dole office, instead i wrote a new CV, printed out numerous copies and hand delivered them to companies i was interested in. I had a job within a fortnight. How many of the 'dole dossers' would consider that? And we are supposed to provide housing, TV's, etc........absolute joke. The sooner we stop giving these cretins handouts the better.

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i have to say i agree with everything thats been said.


I have never been on the dole, i have never had benifits and never intend too.


I work my arss off and have never had handouts, iv never been in debt and never miss payments, iv never been out of work purely because itook what i could in desperate situations i even worked at mcdonalds once just to pay the bills.


Im now on a very good salery for my age and am fed up of looking at my payslip and seeing the amount taken away which i know goes to discusting stupid people most of the time more than those tha tdeserve it.


If i knew the my tax was going to a good cause then i wouldnt care less but i too am tempted to start braking laws because of the pressure sociaty is put under because of situationsm like this and others, simular or more radical.



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On the youtube clip from gypsy kyle show, he's shown openly admitting to have 2 sluts ladies on the go.

Whats happened to the other women? Is she being investigated too??


They are 20 something?? WTF??? Some women have no self respect, yet its them that I feel sorry for - how could you be satisfied with a life like that at the age of 20 something??


There should definitely be a license to have kids, I dont agree with limiting the amount of kids someone can have because as others have said - if you work hard to support them then I dont see an issue.


No wonder he has two on the go though, after the amount of kids they've both had then it would be like throwing a ball down an alley.


When is the verdict? IF they are guilty then I hope the guilt sorts them out instead of tax payers money.

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Just cut the benefits for more than 2 kids, no civil liberty issues with this surely. Up to 2 kids full benefit after that there is no incentive to procreate at an alarming rate. If you can't afford to personally provide for your children you should be responsible enough to not have them. I must have been bought up in the wrong way. We were always taught that if you didn't work for it you didn't have it.


Nope they can't do that - because that would affect muslims and middle easterners the most as they are the new wave of baby factories. And you can't do bad things to muslims in the UK, it's just not allowed.



The most worst part about this is that the welfare and socialism causes the racial rifts and divides that it's supposedly supposed to prevent!


Britain used to be an empire. A respected and feared proponent for western civilization and a strong representative of western civilization. Now it's nothing more than a vessel for eastern domination.


In the past I always used a paraphrased line from the movie Snatch when describing England to my friends across the pond. I would say "yes it really is just like that ...you know fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary f**king Poppins... ENGLAND!


Now I just tell them it's Kebabs, Arab cars on Youtube, welfare and Ndubz.

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Nope they can't do that - because that would affect muslims and middle easterners the most as they are the new wave of baby factories. And you can't do bad things to muslims in the UK, it's just not allowed.




Coming out with comments like that will win you few friends on this forum. I dislike how PC this country has become as much as anyone, but singling out a minority group makes you a racist sir.

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