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Got a new pet


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I really think you need an ID to ensure proper care, but if you are able to provide adequate care and supply a safe adequate environment, then all is dandy.


Having a menagery of different reptiles invertebrates and others, i kind of feel a little bothered by the fact that it was considered a short term pet. Its nothing to do with me but i do hope this doesnt result in the animal being put down down the line, thats my only concern here as i know what zoos are like.

I have had to rehome African rock pythons, Retics, anacondas, nile monitors and other large powerful reps for the exact reason of it being a short term pet (Until its too big to care for) Its not an easy task!

If people are going to get something like a crocadilian, then they NEED to reseearch it and consider long term care, if you cant provide it down the line, then you should ensure that someone else can or just dont bother in the first place, its not fair on the animal.

Once that caiman grows up, itl need a space bigger than a tank can provide itl need a space bigger than the average bedroom. Itl need lots of light, heat, heated water, food, insurance and many other financial considerations. Its a big undertaking , i hope you have a plan of action and can ensure its wellbeing in the long term.


NB: As above, try RFUK, there are many croc owners on there that will be more than willing to provide ID, care and any other information you could possibly desire.

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Thanks for the comments and input guys, the croc isnt going to be exactly a short term pet, will have it years before / if i need / will have to look into finding it a more suitable home where it will have the proper room required to enjoy a happy and comfortable lifestyle :)


I have had people offer to buy the croc from me now and i know they only want it for the wow factor with their mates to which my reply was no hes not for sale. I have had a guy from a local petshop come and check him out and he said the croc is in great health, very strong and seems in excellent form (all croc dialogue lol) That guy said that if i ever want to sell him he can line up a home for him with people who have / had these as pets previously etc


Will keep ye updated with pics and stuff and will try get a vid up at the wknd :)


p.s the croc said he will come to suprapod once he has shotgun lol

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Whats your point exactly? someone keeping a dog indoors without walking it is irresponsible, as is keeping a crocadile in a fish tank untill you cant look after it anymore and decide to give to a zoo/person who'll take it. And who said it would grow 6ft overnight, is this you seriously trying to come up with an argument? and if you think this is the same as keeping a cat or a dog your deluded in the extreme.


My point is lots of people do it but the animals are quite well taken care of, as in if the neighbours called round they wouldn’t call animal services on the "irresponsible" person. The point on other animals is that they were wild once and were domesticated by humans over time. Who’s to say that crocs, lions, etc will be any different? Having only a cat, dog or goldfish as a pet is long gone. Now you can have snakes, lizards, reptiles, exotic birds and fish.


Back OT, how long do these things take to mature fully?

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There is a bloke around the corner from me who walks two crocs on leads. He ain't all there

Shane? ;)


Thats 1 of the coolest "pets" ever! lol. Most exotic i ever got was a scorpian lol

Do you have a tattoo proof for that :innocent:


Out of interest but what do you feed him? apart from your fingers


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Started feeding him locusts but he wasnt eating them, they were just been left in the tank so i removed them and went online and got some advice. Got black crickets which he loves and also pinkies (baby mice, frozen)


He is eating away now, little video clip of him having dinner yesterday lol


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