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Got a new pet


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They are so cute! What are they like as pets? They seem pretty robust and free spirited in the wild. Pretty good on insurance too I hear :D

I really want a pet capybara, a friend of a friend has a zoo and I went into the pen to meet them, really cool, and they sound exactly like guinea pigs.

Well to be honest, they are more inteligent than any animal that I have ever came across. They can get in to stuff, open and close doors etc, the missus shouts tickle time too the alpha female and she will come running over and jump on your knee and roll over to be tickled. Saying that though, she has a hellish bite and has been known to leave teeth embeded in your hand, I've been bit off dogs before and would rather get bit off another dog than a meerkat, she is very territorial and will attack anyone that's not part of the pack, the male isn't as bad, just sits there and rubs his balls lol. This is a picture of the alpha male and female watching TV hahaha


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Beautiful animal! congrats, Likely a spectacled caiman so be careful. personally, i would much rather an american alligator than a caiman. Caimans are only very, very rarely tame and have a rediculous bite strength and big cohones.

You should get a species identification so you can provide proper care whilst you own it.

Have you made enquiries to zoos and private owners regarding 'donating' your caiman. Like boas, and other common exotics, they dont need many of these, and are so easy that they already do own them. You may well have issues when you come to 'donating'. Most rescue centrs wont touch them, nor will most herpers. The animal will likely end up being put down due to this, which atleast in my opinion is irresponsible.

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a friend of mine had it and was going travelling for a year so i took it off his hands, i will look after it and make sure its kept well until its big enough to move onto a zoo or reptile place :)

How irresponsible is that? He / she has had it for a couple of months tops and yet knew they were going travelling!


Sounds no better than the local chav walking about with a pit bull type dog just to show off - nothing to do with having a pet to care for and look after.

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]146452[/ATTACH]I love exotics ! Would of thought you needed a DWA licence though lol. My alpha feemale has just had 2 pups how cute lol, I had to be vetted by friends at a zoo, and before anyone starts I've had them way before the stupid adverts came out, and yes they have land lol.


Well to be honest, they are more inteligent than any animal that I have ever came across. They can get in to stuff, open and close doors etc, the missus shouts tickle time too the alpha female and she will come running over and jump on your knee and roll over to be tickled. Saying that though, she has a hellish bite and has been known to leave teeth embeded in your hand, I've been bit off dogs before and would rather get bit off another dog than a meerkat, she is very territorial and will attack anyone that's not part of the pack, the male isn't as bad, just sits there and rubs his balls lol. This is a picture of the alpha male and female watching TV hahaha



Loving the thought of having meerkats...they sound as if they would be great pets! But again, where do you even get them!?


I used to keep ferrets and always thought that they were hilarious!:)

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Thanks for the comments guys


@ CJ - listen up fella, this is been looked after like any other pet and will be cared for a hell of lot better than most peoples average dogs / cats. The previous owner was a foreign chap who had to go home for family reasons not that its any of your business but i wanted to clear that up so your not judging that person like a local chav !!


IF i can support this with a big enough home when its properly grown i will be more than happy to do that.


It is a wild animal, no one trying to cover that up and this thing will snap at you when you mess with it in its tank, i feed it when needed, look after it , clean its habitat etc


will get some more pics up in a bit of the new setup :)

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Thanks for the comments guys


@ CJ - listen up fella, this is been looked after like any other pet and will be cared for a hell of lot better than most peoples average dogs / cats.

For all of 2 months as this is how long (tops) the foreign chap had it for


The previous owner was a foreign chap who had to go home for family reasons not that its any of your business but i wanted to clear that up so your not judging that person like a local chav !!

So tell me why anyone in their right mind would want a croc as a pet other than the wow factor to show their mates.


IF i can support this with a big enough home when its properly grown i will be more than happy to do that.

Until (by your own admission) it gets too big


It is a wild animal, no one trying to cover that up and this thing will snap at you when you mess with it in its tank, i feed it when needed, look after it , clean its habitat etc


And what is this "habitat" going to look like when it is 6 feet long?


I stand by my first thought that to try and make a pet of this type of creature is completely irresponsible.

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Im not trying to make this a pet, not planning on taking it to the park to have a game of fetch with it, dont be so stupid. I always had a keen interest in these animals since i was young and now that i can rare one whether its just feeding it inside its tank i was not going to say no to that. The foreign guy bought it as he had loads of exotic wildlife and worked in a reptile shop.


Already have a few private collectors who would take him off my hands when he becomes unmanagable :)


If you dont believe in this been a good pet or what ever have your little rant and leave the thread. None of your business what i own or what i choose to have as a pet. If it was you posting up here i wouldnt care less what you owned, if i had something to say i would and leave it at that.



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Calm down there's a good lad.


You posted up on a public forum and therefore your post is fair game for comments - for or against. If you didn't want that then post a warning in the beginning saying only nice comments welcomed!


Rant? Mine wasn't a rant, it was an observation and an opinion and the last time I checked out the forum, we were all allowed both.

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not planning on taking it to the park to have a game of fetch with it, dont be so stupid.


and yet taking a croc from a foreign chap and keeping it in a 4ft fish tank in your garage untill by your own admission, 'you cant look after it anymore' and expecting someone else to take over the responsibility is smart? Seems irresponsible at best.

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Tank is all up and running properly now, water temp perfect in the water for the little fella, got 25kg of coral sand today, some new rocks for the tank, a new heater, installed the new external filter and added a new background along with some in tank decorations























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He's pretty cool, good on you for giving him a home :)


I dont see owning one as a problem to be honest, no different from getting a exotic fish that eventually grows to big for a tank and has to go back to the fish shop to live out its days (which you see a lot of).


Wild animals can be kept as pets, look at men for example ;)

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QUOTE=*Shane*;3324925]Tank is all up and running properly now, water temp perfect in the water for the little fella, got 25kg of coral sand today, some new rocks for the tank, a new heater, installed the new external filter and added a new background along with some in tank decorations

















Looks like a good setup you have made for it, I've seen a lot worse. Just be wary fella they are fast, I've seen them living in large bath tubs in pet shops.








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and yet taking a croc from a foreign chap and keeping it in a 4ft fish tank in your garage untill by your own admission, 'you cant look after it anymore' and expecting someone else to take over the responsibility is smart? Seems irresponsible at best.


Irresponsible? Couldn't you say someone who keeps a dog indoors and rarely brings them for walks is irresponsible too? They're living in a small environment, etc. I dont see the problem, he took the baby croc which i assume would be probably be dead otherwise. He is giving it a good home atm and plans on getting a good home for it when it gets bigger, it isn't going to grow 6ft overnight and he should be able to organise it before this happens. If you think keeping a croc is bad then so is a cat, dog, fish, bird, etc. They all started off wild but have been domesticated by us. Imho :)


Btw i think the croc is cool.

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Irresponsible? Couldn't you say someone who keeps a dog indoors and rarely brings them for walks is irresponsible too? They're living in a small environment, etc. I dont see the problem, he took the baby croc which i assume would be probably be dead otherwise. He is giving it a good home atm and plans on getting a good home for it when it gets bigger, it isn't going to grow 6ft overnight and he should be able to organise it before this happens. If you think keeping a croc is bad then so is a cat, dog, fish, bird, etc. They all started off wild but have been domesticated by us. Imho :)


Btw i think the croc is cool.


Whats your point exactly? someone keeping a dog indoors without walking it is irresponsible, as is keeping a crocadile in a fish tank untill you cant look after it anymore and decide to give to a zoo/person who'll take it. And who said it would grow 6ft overnight, is this you seriously trying to come up with an argument? and if you think this is the same as keeping a cat or a dog your deluded in the extreme.

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