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Dragon Tattoo


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i'm booked in again on the 22nd April for another 4 hours possibly 6 if i can handle doing it that long. I would hope it could be finished then but if not it will be another session just after that. I'd rather have 6 hours worth next time than have to go back again. It will need about 2 weeks after that to totally heal. I'm surprised how good it looks at the mo, and so was the tattooist. She said i had very good skin and it took the ink very well, hardly bled or got swollen at all.

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Trev, someone said to me its like having an injection. Which scared the sh*t out of me, as when ever i have a blood test it makes me feel very giddy and pasty. This was nothing like that. The first 5 mins was the worst, after that you just get used to how it feels. She only did a few lines, then you get a few seconds breather, then carry on. I just fixed my vision at a point on the wall and concentrated on it. Best thing is to just relax. If you tense up and have erratic breathing, it will hurt more.


The worst pain from it was the outer edges of the wings as they go near my ribs and also where the tail comes down, which you cant really see from the pic :)

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£180 is v good price mate! mine is nowhere near that size but it cost me £100!!!


I designed a butterfly for my gf last year as a b'day present and she was a total wuss :) she described it as being hit with a mini tazer gun repeatedly... which is probably a fairly accurate description.


Personally I quite like it but I am a sadist :p

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yeah i thought the price was good to. But my HR director kind of knows the woman who did it so she didnt charge me for the 3 hours she spent designing it with a biro on my back first.


I cant wait to get it filled in, it will really come to life then. Its making driving very difficult though as i cant lean back :)

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no mate, this is my first and probably last. I dont want to be covered in tats, just want one really nice picture that means something to me. Hence me using my back so i can cover it whenever needed. Its also the biggets area to create something good on :)


Putting vaseline on it several times a day at the mo, but its quite hard trying to do that in a mirror

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Hello mate do not put vaseline on only use e45 especially after colour as vaseline can cause bigger scabs and colour to come off, i was joking when i said i would never have one done i have my entire front neck to waist covered, e45 is the best thing, do not pick the scabs which are pale like dry skin as you can pull them before ready and pull colour off

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choosing a design was the hardest thing. But once i saw this pic (2 years ago) i was decided straight away.


Cheers for the advice mattanna, she did say that vaseline would be ok for the outline, but she was getting a delivery of something better for once i need to start covering the shaded bits. The only thing she said not to use was savlon as it will dry it out.

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Normally yes Jake. I took a deisgn in with me about the size of an a4 piece of paper. But the copy i had was very fuzzy as it was a picture i took on an old phone of a very large painting. We discussed it all first, she loved the picture, but said it was a huge waste to have it done so small as it will get lost in my back and just wouldnt fit properly. The wings followed no lines of my back and it just looked out of place. So she basicly copied the picture free hand on my back but making changes along the way hence it taking quite a while

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