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1279 USD credit at MVP


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Hi Guy's,


It's a very long and boring story but as some of you know I had some issues with MVP regarding a TRD LSD Delivery.


I finally bought One from Lee and as MVP won't reimburse me for a reason I still don't understand (paypal thing...) they just told me I have this credit of 1279 USD.


To be honest I spent a lot this year and I'm already struggling to get All my parts installed So I'd love to get that money back. Well at least the most of it.


So here is the deal :


I sell this 1279 USD credit for 1100 USD.


When I have someone interested, I email mvp to get a confirmation for the transfer and when I have the confirmation, you just wire me 1100 USD on my PayPal account or my bank account.


If someone has a better idea, just let me know...



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They were wanting to mend bridges on here, perhaps this should be the start.


if they can't fore-fill an order in a REASONABLE time they should give a FULL refund no questions asked.


Another member on here had issues with refunds and all sorts of excuses from them.

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You might be better off spending the credit on some rare goodies and then selling them when they get here to recoup your money.


Just a suggestion as I think many people may be dubious of buying credit but who knows..


I thought of it but I actually want to get the money back...

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They were wanting to mend bridges on here, perhaps this should be the start.


if they can't fore-fill an order in a REASONABLE time they should give a FULL refund no questions asked.


Another member on here had issues with refunds and all sorts of excuses from them.


You're right but there where So many discussions that now I'm tired of it... Furthermore my written english is not bad but it's not the same when I talk..


To me the "start a dispute" thing is the last last thing I want to do as I will wait for another 2 years to get the money back...

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Will be my last last option... Maybe there is someone who is going to buy some bits...


But yes I will do this in like 2-3 weeks If No One interested...


Your choice at the end of the day but they probably don't want their names dragged through the dispute section again so you may see a resolution sooner rather than later. It's hardly a small amount of time or cash either, it's more the principal than anything else as they are just taking the p155.


I'd open a dispute on here tout de suite :)






Do you think after the last dispute with Jezz (http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?326237-MVP-Motorsports-again) and now your problems any member on here is going to risk the same happening to them?

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Ok you convinced me... I'll do this tonight when I have time to concentrante and write the all story again... I noticed they are very skilled in excuses and saying it's not them but PayPal....


Thanks for the support

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They were wanting to mend bridges on here, perhaps this should be the start.


if they can't fore-fill an order in a REASONABLE time they should give a FULL refund no questions asked.


Another member on here had issues with refunds and all sorts of excuses from them.


Couldn't have put it better myself.


If they are given a second chance then they should start my righting their wrongs. Would be a sign that maybe they do value their customers, and would restore a bit of faith to the members/ potential customers.

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If you paid with Paypal what's the problem? They're actually very good at handling disputes.


Mvp say I paid by PayPal but I actually paid via their website (don't remember If that is PayPal)


I called PayPal and they say they don't find my payment... Hence cannot reimburse


But at MVP I received all the paid invoices and I have the credit So I damn not understand why they just can't send me the money....

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Lau, stop messing about and open up a dispute. You have given them more than a reasonable amount of time to put things right and they haven't. If you give them an inch and they will take a mile, as was clearly evident from Jezz's dispute. Obviously Dustys promise for MVP to become more active on here was is bullsh1t.


If they were bothered about sorting this problem out with you they would have posted in this thread when they logged in the other day. Instead they posted up an advert in their Traders section before swiftly logging off.


You can um and ah about it until the cows come home, they will keep ignoring you and fobbing you off. You won't get anywhere unless you open up a dispute.


Sorry if that sounded harsh, it isn't meant that way :)

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Lau, stop messing about and open up a dispute. You have given them more than a reasonable amount of time to put things right and they haven't. If you give them an inch and they will take a mile, as was clearly evident from Jezz's dispute. Obviously Dustys promise for MVP to become more active on here was is bullsh1t.


If they were bothered about sorting this problem out with you they would have posted in this thread when they logged in the other day. Instead they posted up an advert in their Traders section before swiftly logging off.


You can um and ah about it until the cows come home, they will keep ignoring you and fobbing you off. You won't get anywhere unless you open up a dispute.


Sorry if that sounded harsh, it isn't meant that way :)

Totally agree

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The sole purpose of them getting another shot is to be more involved and sort issues.


And the fact they came on here the other day to advertise parts for a GTR and not a supra is a joke.


I was against them getting the green light for trader status as everything I have seen so far is not fair to the members

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The sole purpose of them getting another shot is to be more involved and sort issues.


And the fact they came on here the other day to advertise parts for a GTR and not a supra is a joke.


I was against them getting the green light for trader status as everything I have seen so far is not fair to the members

Also voted no for the same reasons.


Will be interesting to see how this one pans out.

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I'll open up a dispute asap, it seems I have enough support in the forum...


But again I need a bit of time to write All the facts properly,... Correct english,... Time that I don't have right now but sure I'll find it this week.


I'll let you All know when it's done


PS: it warms up my heart (If we say that in english) to see your support guy's

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Kory has been speaking to Lau via email in regards to this from what I can see for sometime. I do not personally handle any of the refunds/credits nor know how a majority of that works. That is Kory's position here. He has left for the day but have emailed him to let me know what is going on.




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It should be fairly easy to log into your Paypal account and find the outgoing transaction. It'll be in USD instead of your own currency so it should stick out like a sore thumb (it'll also be for a large quantity of money).


Once you have found this transaction, open it then simply click "Request a refund". Once you have done this, send a message to MVP and let them know that you have done so. They will then be able to action the refund and the money will be back in your paypal account within 5 days or so. Once it's back, transfer the money to your account.


I'm guessing there is a bit of a language barrier here as the last communication, to me at least, clearly states that they will refund you over paypal? I'm guessing the initial payment must have been paypal or they wouldn't have said this? If you are adamant (prince charminnngggg) that it wasn't Paypal, then find the transaction on whichever of your accounts you believe it to have been from and let them know that it wasn't Paypal.


As much as the customer service has been horrendous, you haven't helped yourself by having no idea where the money came out of or how you paid the bill. These are very simple details that need to be known when requesting funds.

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