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Awkward Boss !


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Just as a heads up, the insurance approach wouldn't work at our place as I would be covered on the company policy. So be careful you might be in the same position. On a positive note you would at least be insured in those circumstances.



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My boss drives me mad sometimes and the thing that drives me nuts the most is when he tries to tell me how to do a job when ive been working fulltime for over 9 years. But my boss is my dad so i can get away with showing my appreciation when he drives me nuts.

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Feel for you bud, does sound like a bit of a pickle youve got.. Thats why when i started my new job a year ago I stated "unless im going out to buy stuff for myself or i have cocked up the ordering , Dont expect me to drive anywhere " (Im a head chef) :) .. needless to say they understood.

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You have an awkward boss, I have a nightmare of a boss


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


They should get married and have kids, then produce the worst booss in history,evarrrrrrrrrrrr..?


With regard to your Boss. If this trip is costing the employee money then something has to be done about it. Accountancy firms are not short of a bob or two either. I would go down the insurance route and also throw in a few excuses with wheels, bald tyres, headlight refurb, engine rebuild, no tax or MOT etc. Make sure that you mention that every job is being finished at the weekend just incase you are spotted out and about. If you are spotted during the week, claim it was a road test.


Also see if he will insure you on his car?

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I have had the pleasure once before, he was a nice chap very pleasant :) Haven't seen him in years though....


He speaks very highly of you too.


He's very small though, it's quite embarrassing really - but I don't mention height or tall things when he's in earshot.

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My boss makes me drive to work, especially on rainy days, but I don't mind really. Really I don't.


Otherwise I'd have to cycle.


Now he's made me go and get him a coffee. Sometimes I just think I'm his lacky!


Oh, the joys of self-employment. :)

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My boss makes me drive to work, especially on rainy days, but I don't mind really. Really I don't.


Otherwise I'd have to cycle.


Now he's made me go and get him a coffee. Sometimes I just think I'm his lacky!


Oh, the joys of self-employment. :)



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Wheres your mouth? tell him your car is a 3ltr and the money has to be paid. Or you cannot go, fair is fair and you cant afford to pay for the company, they need to pay you and stress that its not a problem and your not being a lazy git.

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id take the insurance route. he cant expect you to break the law.


A guy i work with had to go to another building of ours accross town for a health and safety training course he didnt realy want to go on. so said he wasnt insured as it was a trip for work purposes. My boss had to pay for a taxi for him.

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