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OIL spill


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Wow, I've been open minded with this and not said a lot and read a lot more, BUT even I can know for a fact that is not what Tony said :rolleyes:


Are you just looking for a way to blame the british by any chance via British Petroleum?


I think that is what he is saying..!


His following the herd like a sheep and not seeing the big picture..!


FYI: It was 'BP America' that drilled that well, and 90% of there employees are americans..! It could of happened to anybody the only difference is the operators logo..!

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I want the hole plugged, that's it. It's deeply disturbing to have this happen right in my back yard.


Okay moving away from BP and british thing.... You drive a petrol / diesel vehicle right?? I'm guessing you are only getting upset this time because it is happening in your back yard (as you put it), had it happened somewhere else you probably wouldn't be having the same reaction, or am I mistaken? How upset will you be if you could buy your fuel....

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I dont' want to blame the British, that's useless. I want the hole plugged, that's it. It's deeply disturbing to have this happen right in my back yard. You guys can toss around the "how is BP to blame" game, but I don't care an ounce about that. To me, BP has already admitted and accepted responsibility, so that point it moot. Why should i explain BP's role? If you want to know their role, call their hotline, they'll tell you all about it. On what Tony posted, it seems a pattern of thinking that because the USA uses a lot of oil then the gulf coast gets what it deserves. To me that's what that post eludes to.


What is it exactly that you want bp to do? you've obviously made your mind up that its bp's fault and that they almost did it on purpose just to piss off the gulf coast area. You've been told what happened and why it is an extremely complicated process to try and stop the leak, you've even been offered links to sources that may enlighten you to the drilling and completions process, what more do you want. I know bp are a large company but i suspect they are no more able to pull miracles out of their rear ends than Mr Obama is, so what would you like bp to do that they are not currently doing?

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Is that how you break it down, Brazil? To dismiss by asying that I'm following some sort of heard? You are absolutely correct in that it could have happened to another oil company, but the hard fact is that it didn't.


I don't have any more energy to carry on with this banter..! they will PTA that well soon I am sure! and then the clean up will start with the media on BP's back I am certain that they will do a great job..!

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I've stayed silent on this for a while now but there is a product that will clear this spill up and clean the beaches - it's environmentally friendly, totally non-toxic (unlike Coexit which they continue to use) and breaks down the hydrocarbons into its basic component parts. NALCO, the company that buys all BP chemicals on their behalf, is well aware of the product and has recommended its use. BP are also aware of it. The EPA, whilst unable to endorse any one product, has made strong suggestions that it is a perfect product to use for the clean-up. It has been recommended within the 'War Room' in the US but BP are still not signing on the dotted line. They have had this information since day one and are holding out for some reason. Cost can not continue to be a factor as every day that goes by they just compound the problem.

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What is it exactly that you want bp to do? you've obviously made your mind up that its bp's fault and that they almost did it on purpose just to piss off the gulf coast area. You've been told what happened and why it is an extremely complicated process to try and stop the leak, you've even been offered links to sources that may enlighten you to the drilling and completions process, what more do you want. I know bp are a large company but i suspect they are no more able to pull miracles out of their rear ends than Mr Obama is, so what would you like bp to do that they are not currently doing?


I don't understand why folks are in denial about this. Everyone inclusing BP themselves has said that it's their problem. There's no more question, that time has passed. I want BP to do their job. Plug the hole already. This summer is destroyed as far as the people are concerned, but right now, the thing to do is to plug the hole. Plain and simple.

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Okay moving away from BP and british thing.... You drive a petrol / diesel vehicle right?? I'm guessing you are only getting upset this time because it is happening in your back yard (as you put it), had it happened somewhere else you probably wouldn't be having the same reaction, or am I mistaken? How upset will you be if you could buy your fuel....


If you're asking if I would be upset if the spill destroyed Newcastle instead of Grand Isle, then the answer is yes.

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I don't understand why folks are in denial about this. Everyone inclusing BP themselves has said that it's their problem. There's no more question, that time has passed. I want BP to do their job. Plug the hole already. This summer is destroyed as far as the people are concerned, but right now, the thing to do is to plug the hole. Plain and simple.




Its not like putting a cap on a soda bottle.

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I don't understand why folks are in denial about this. Everyone inclusing BP themselves has said that it's their problem. There's no more question, that time has passed. I want BP to do their job. Plug the hole already. This summer is destroyed as far as the people are concerned, but right now, the thing to do is to plug the hole. Plain and simple.


So lets get this straight. BP has taken responsiblity for this (even though that could be argued either way between transocean and service companies that were involved), they have already started drilling two relief wells at huge expense, they've started containment at source and on the surface, they've started a program to try and clean up the coastline and they are already reviewing their operations globally to improve safety in the future and you still are not happy with this? And you want them to do more, you just don't know what? Great argument.

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Thats fair enough and i can understand that


I really dont mean to be patronising or anything but if you understood the safety barriers and testing that goes into these wells they you'd understand that this is an accident and unfortunately it happens. There is no industry in the world that has a perfect safety record.

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So lets get this straight. BP has taken responsiblity for this (even though that could be argued either way between transocean and service companies that were involved), they have already started drilling two relief wells at huge expense, they've started containment at source and on the surface, they've started a program to try and clean up the coastline and they are already reviewing their operations globally to improve safety in the future and you still are not happy with this? And you want them to do more, you just don't know what? Great argument.


Maybe send in Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal to beat the oil back into its hole.:shrug:

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So lets get this straight. BP has taken responsiblity for this (even though that could be argued either way between transocean and service companies that were involved), they have already started drilling two relief wells at huge expense, they've started containment at source and on the surface, they've started a program to try and clean up the coastline and they are already reviewing their operations globally to improve safety in the future and you still are not happy with this? And you want them to do more, you just don't know what? Great argument.


Just to clearify, BP did try to shift the blame. See senate subcommitee hearings. Everybody blamed everybody else. I know what I want them to do, just as everyone else. Plug the hole. Plug the damn thing. Nobody cares how, nobody cares who, or how much. Just plug it up already.

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Thats fair enough and i can understand that


I really dont mean to be patronising or anything but if you understood the safety barriers and testing that goes into these wells they you'd understand that this is an accident and unfortunately it happens. There is no industry in the world that has a perfect safety record.


The world understands that accidents do happen, however when the offending party is responsible for a vast majority of the industry violations both inadvertant and willful, then it's gets dicey.

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Just to clearify, BP did try to shift the blame. See senate subcommitee hearings. Everybody blamed everybody else. I know what I want them to do, just as everyone else. Plug the hole. Plug the damn thing. Nobody cares how, nobody cares who, or how much. Just plug it up already.



You've just been told how they plan to do that with relief wells, if you know how to drill wells overnight then maybe you should make yourself known to the nearest oil company and become a very rich man.

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The world understands that accidents do happen, however when the offending party is responsible for a vast majority of the industry violations both inadvertant and willful, then it's gets dicey.


We come back to this again, this is what your fed by the american media i guess and truth be told i dont think its right.


We're not drilling for oil in the 60's anymore. Its not shooting from the hip as you call it.

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Letting them do what they want is the reason why we are having this discussion today. 1.2GBP per liter would have more to do with massive taxation than anything I would suspect.


to me they are all the same, thieving c*nts. i'm all of nationalising utility companies in the uk. :)

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Let me get this straight Tony, are you saying out loud that you feel that not only is BP not responsible, but that the gulf coast deserves what it gets?


I'm saying that I don't understand why BP would be responsible for renting equipment from Transocean that turned out to be faulty.

Perhaps BP were supposed to service the equipment, but by all accounts I've read so far, BP basically paid Transocean to run the rig, so you would have thought that would have also included servicing and maintaining equipment.

You probably know as much as I do with regards to oil drilling (ie pretty much nothing) so all of that is speculation, but until you or I know any facts, lets not jump to conclusions eh?


As for whether I think the gulf coast deserves what it gets, I think you've read into my post what you wanted to see rather than what's actually written.


OK, I'll spell it out specifically. Take your time to carefully to read it, and read no more and no less than what is specifically written...


Screaming and shouting about a disaster on your doorstep, even if it were caused by another country, when the USA has been culpable, yet dodged ultimate responsibility for many more similar disasters in other countries is nothing short of outright hipocracy.




BP has already spent over a $1,000,000,000 on sorting the problem, and I have no doubt will end up spending a great deal more in the clean up operation once the well has been capped.

In contrast Amoco did nothing to help the clean up of France after the Cadiz sunk and only gave $120,000,000 in compensation.

So saying that BP have done nothing, again is laughable in contrast to what American based companies have done in the same situation.

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