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Wiki Leaks

Chris Wilson

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I was expecting some truly horrendous exposes of epic proportion, but what does all this brouhaha tell us? America thinks Prince Andrew is rather "rude", that Putin is a bit of an alpha dog (dunno how they come to that conclusion, he looks a like a regular guy who just likes guns, intimidating the West and generally putting the fear of God into the Russian people ... :)), and that some Arabs are gagging for the Yanks to invade another country (hell, they don't need much persuading, surely, a quick "Why don't you invade Iran" over the canapes could be all it took?). A bit of salacious tittle tattle about Muammar Gadhaffi's rather décolleté "nurse", and a comment or two on other world leaders that wouldn't make a nun blush, and all of a sudden the media is trying to make us think that the whole global power balance is on the move. What a none event, again! I am disappointed that our leaders show such restraint in their "secret" communications, I expected something far more blustering and outrageous from them, how very disappointing.

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I was hoping to see something far more risque too.


There was nothing in there anyone couldn't have speculated - a royal is a bit pompous, the US and South Korea discussing the eventualities if (or when) the North collapses or the mob-style rule of Russia.


It has been funny watching Clinton try to brand WikiLeaks a 'terrorist' organisation now, calling this disclosure an "attack on the global community" :D

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I find it hard to believe how just one guy (Bradley manning) could have access to so much highly classified information... It defies belief.
Easy, apparently all copied onto Lady Gaga CD's.


I assume they missed a few simple points.


* Most people nowadays have MP3 players or iPods, who uses CD's unless its in a car these days.

* A secure machine with classified data should not have a CD burner (Simple security measures in IT).

* When data is copied, it is audited in the system, so someone would know instantly.

* Surely all this data is not kept in one place.

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Damn that lady gaga



Easy, apparently all copied onto Lady Gaga CD's.


I assume they missed a few simple points.


* Most people nowadays have MP3 players or iPods, who uses CD's unless its in a car these days.

* A secure machine with classified data should not have a CD burner (Simple security measures in IT).

* When data is copied, it is audited in the system, so someone would know instantly.

* Surely all this data is not kept in one place.

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