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Supra Vs Bus


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I don't get it. Did something else happen? Did he swerve into another car? Slam on with a passenger flying into the windscreen?


I'd imagine he's full of cr&p. I crossed a road in a pedestrian area of Manchester a few years back, to find a bus pull out next to me and nearly run me over. It was just one of those things in a busy city centre.


He honked his horn and gave me the universal anchor sign. I pointed at my eyes as in look when you pull out, then applied a thrusting to the forehead to symbolise that he was a D!ck head. Next thing he's stopped the bus, got out and squaring up to me screaming all sorts. This is a guy that's on works time, getting out of a branded bus with a reg plate to start a fight in the middle of hundreds of people.... absolutely mental.


I had the same thing, driver giving it large etc, buss full of passengers, telling me to get out the car etc , so I did;) Gave him a load of abuse etc and kept him waiting at about 4 red lights, he then follwed everywhere about 6 inches from the back of the car and made a big deal of taking my number, so I called the bus company and complained told them to send him round to the shop after work etc etc, got a call about 2 hours later from the area manager saying it was all on film and the driver had bees suspended, no matter what they are expected to behave in a proffesional manner. Go figure, personally I would rather have given the guy a good hiding than lose him his job :innocent:

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I think the "you've lost me my license" thing was just the bus driver letting off steam, I doubt if it will actually happen, unless there's details I don't know about. I imagine the whole thing was caught on a CCTV camera fitted to the bus (normal procedure these days I would guess).


I would advise you learn from it (i.e. avoid cutting up buses or other vehicles :)) and just leave it there. Write down what happened if you want to cover yourself just in case the court reference was more than Big Talk and you get an unwelcome letter on your doormat in 7 months' time.

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one time i pulled out on a guy by accident cos he came so fast past me into shot of my mirror(on a bend) i slammed brakes on luckily nobody on bus,so even tho i waved sorry etc when got up to speed he decided to brake test me,he wont do that again his car is a baked bean tin now!! :D

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I once had an argument with a bus driver, whilst driving my first car.


I was driving along minding my own business on a 2 lane road, i was in the left lane, bus in the right alongside me about 30MPH.


Bus starts to pull over into left lane without using mirrors and is almost sqashing me/my car against the kerb, i cant brake and drop back as there are cars behind me!!


As per highway code i use the horn to alert the bus driver of danger (so im beeping like hell to get him to pull back out)


He pulls back out, just before damage occurrs - PHEWW


Im livid, speed up (in my fiat panda - lol) and get along side his doors & wind down my window to voice my displeasure (i was young and vocal at the time). At this stage we are trundling towards a set of lights at 5MPH.


He opens his doors, at which stage i shout -






I drive straight into the back of a car at the traffic lights[sHOCK][/sHOCK]. The words had just come out of my mouth, and i crash!!!!!!!!!!


Moral of the story - keep your mouth shut and watch where you are going.

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I once had an argument with a bus driver, whilst driving my first car.


I was driving along minding my own business on a 2 lane road, i was in the left lane, bus in the right alongside me about 30MPH.


Bus starts to pull over into left lane without using mirrors and is almost sqashing me/my car against the kerb, i cant brake and drop back as there are cars behind me!!


As per highway code i use the horn to alert the bus driver of danger (so im beeping like hell to get him to pull back out)


He pulls back out, just before damage occurrs - PHEWW


Im livid, speed up (in my fiat panda - lol) and get along side his doors & wind down my window to voice my displeasure (i was young and vocal at the time). At this stage we are trundling towards a set of lights at 5MPH.


He opens his doors, at which stage i shout -






I drive straight into the back of a car at the traffic lights[sHOCK][/sHOCK]. The words had just come out of my mouth, and i crash!!!!!!!!!!


Moral of the story - keep your mouth shut and watch where you are going.


That's so unlucky!


Did you do much damage to your car?

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