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Pool/snooker players? Que help


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Hi guys, looking at getting a newer pool que as I'm playing a lot more little pub tournaments lately and enjoying playing again. I have a old Riley which my dad gave to me after he gave up but I would like something decent of my own now. Any recommendations is much appreciated, prob go to about £150 as I'm not exactly a pro but fancy a nice que.

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Hi Rob, iv always had my cue's made by a guy called Paul Strafford in Stroud, he owns a business called matchplay (link to his website below). Iv always spent alot more than that on cues due to the level I was playing but his custom cues do start at about the £150 mark so can state length, weight and height that you want aswell as design to a certain extent. His number is 07836316838 if you wanted to give him a call. He is great at what he does which is why iv always used him but only thing I will say is that whatever time he says it will be add half on again lol. He will say that is will be around 4 weeks but allow 6 weeks.


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Custom is definitely the way to go bud especially for getting the right weight in the butt, I played for years and preferred a (one piece) snooker cue, the smaller tip gives better control of the cue ball.


Totally agree tip size is vital, the smaller the tip size the more ability you have to generate spin to control the cueball however it becomes harder to strike the white dead straight on longer range shots if you go too small as anything slightly off centre and you are in effect swerving the white ever so slightly... I started using a 9mm with the first cue I ever got made but slightly reduced this over time and now use a 8.25mm tip.


Quite a few players have started using a one piece although personally iv always preferred a 3/4 cue instead of a one piece as you can get a more even weight distribution rather than having all the weight in the butt but thats just my personal choice everyone has different preferences due to how they feel comfortable and also the style that they play so would be whatever suits the individual.

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I'm happy with an oversized tip, 9-9.25 can't recall exactly, but have enough power to generate the same response off smaller tips but keep the reliability of accuracy. I can smack a long straight black in off the cush all night long. For me best of both worlds, if I use a smaller tip I lose position with too much white movement

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Oh and buy 3/4 I don't know anyone rounds these parts who buy a 1 piece - unless they only play at one location - store it there and don't play away matches


3/4 piece means you can replace the butt for an extension and keep a straight cue rather than relying on a plastic extension (can't remember what they are called)

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