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So regurading the photo's, if i want them all it'll cost me £25??



James, might be worth you contacting them directly, I'm sure they could be able to come to some arrangement if you want all the images.



High resolution images have been added to the Bovingdon picture thread, heres a taster:



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Yeah, I think that would work better, pay on the gate = everyone pays then :)


means somebody has to wait at the gate all day. I think the sticker thing worked well, perhaps next time everybody has to pay and they get a sticker, anybody without stickers hasnt paid...I was more than willing to pay £20 just to be there, in the end I had some track fun and some runs up and down the runway, certainly worth the money.



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I arrived at the same time as James and we were surprised to find cars parked up along the side of the airfield, seems the paintball guys are always there at weekends and so have access to the site along with their customers. Made closing the gates a little tricky.


We had to actually ask the organisers to get the cars along the runway moved so that the right hand side of the track was totally clear....



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The paintballers were a little unexpected to say the least. When Sabrina called and told me i thought she was joking. Also my old man was surpose to be on the gate but got held up and so we had to just go with letting everyone in on their own. The sticker things was a good idea that Sabrina came up with. We also had a white pen but was a little scared it wouldn't come off again :D . Next year i need to be in a postion of delegating with people running their own areas. It was way too much to try and do on my own and thank god for Sabrina and Sandeep who did excellent jobs all day.


Actually what amazed me was the amount of people who got lost. I thought my maps and directions were pretty good :(


Over the last couple of days i've been talking with several people about services to make next year even better. But you'll just have to wait :)

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A loo would be nice ;)

There are loos down at the gate, but we couldn't get permission to use them :(. We also tried with porta loos but companys wanted to deliver it before the event (usually with a week min hire costing loads) and we couldn't leave it there over night. There was a loo in the Van we had, but i felt that was more for the ladies and men can use the field :D

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The paintball guys were taking the pi$$. Before James and Branners turned up, I had already spoken with the Paintball bloke. He was a little flustered to say the least. He also told me that 250 people were turning up. [obviously no where near that]


He then tried the old "well we always park here" so I believe we are more legally able to park here". Obviously total rubbish as we paid for the runway that day, and he just takes advantage of it and parks there and was a little preturbed when we turned up.


Loos were in the van indeed. Again last minute change of plan following problems as James mentioned. All in the name of keeping the costs down. :D

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I think it was me telling the paintball guy that his customers cars probably wouldnt be in once piece when they got back that pursuaded him to move them, he didnt look happy about it but they moved the cars which helped.


I think a lot of us would be willing to help out, I didnt step in on the day as it was your day and I didnt want to seem to be interfering. If you need a hand next time do feel free to ask.


And I had forgotten the services were that close, I had a wee down by the handling circuit during one of the quieter periods :drown:



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