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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Xbox 360


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Hey guys and girls


Just wondered if anyone else here has the time to play xbox 360 and if so whats your gamertag and what sort of games do you play ?


I play a variety of games really including Forza, Call of Duty, NBA 2K12 .......


But the game i am currently hooked on is Borderlands


And the new Borderlands is coming out in September which is great :D


So what games do you enjoy playing and do you have Xbox Live ?

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Play Battlefield with setpic and Dan from on her quite alot. Getting back into MW3 just now though but its just too easy... Fordy L2k.


Yeah i have heard battlefield is meant to be really good but being a COD fan i couldnt betray them but i do honestly think the COD games are slowly going down hill. Thats why i resorted to Borderlands, my first thoughts was that i wouldnt like it because its monsters etc just like i dont like halo, and i didnt think i would like the graphics system, but seriously guys its a brilliant game for onely £15 and you can download it one the XBL Marketplace, the best thing probably is that you can do 4 player co op campaigns and you all rank up different, you have the choice of 4 charecters and there is hundreds and thousands of different weapons, i dont think i have ever seen the same weapon twice yet, if you havnt yet you should try this game :D

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Im not that high at COD lol


Lol the only reason i was that high is the fact i lived with my parents up until october last year when i turned 21 and got my own house, so when i lived at home i just used to get home from work and play xbox all night and get drunk at weekends, now that i am in my own house with my girlfriend its, get home, cook tea, get moaned at, watch all the girlfriends programmes and then about 10pm when she goes to bed im allowed on my xbox haha, oh how life changes, sometimes i think to myself what did i ever do with all my money / time etc when i lived with my parents, i could have had one sweet supra haha

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sometimes i think to myself what did i ever do with all my money / time etc when i lived with my parents, i could have had one sweet supra haha


you are not alone!!


I could have had a manual single back in the day.


God I miss the days of no financial responsibility!

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you are not alone!!


I could have had a manual single back in the day.


God I miss the days of no financial responsibility!


Granted i never used to get paid as much as i do now but all i used to have to pay was £80 board and £30 phone bill, that left me with £890 per month that was just wasted, well not wasted but spent on other things than a supra :D say if i had save £800 per month for a year thats £9600 lol i could have had the supra i always dreamed of, now days i struggle to save £100 per month lol

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im #01 in the world...full stop. so bring it on mofooooo! oh yerr and and if you win(which you wont) ill beat you senseless at japfest :)


I'll do you a deal - If you beat me at mw2/mw3 i will buy you mcdonalds at japfest convoy if i beat you you have to buy me mcdonalds ;) Deal?

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