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Kids on the block


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Yeah soz i tend to write how i speak haha

An yeah my old csm is now a teacher even a look could instill pure fear but i doubt that will work these days

They jus need showing there not as big as they think they are lol


Exactly. These cocky kids nowadays, all they need is to mess with the wrong person and to get roughed up a bit (or a lot depending on what they're like). I doubt they'd do it again.

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As for the child abuse/parents thing, IME it's the parents who don't give a t*ss any more, if you were to get hold of a kid and take them home to 'speak to their parents' about their behaviour, even if a copper did it you'd only get abuse from the parents, they stick up for their kids no matter what they get up to - probably because they were off doing the same things 10 years earlier.


They do know the score though, I look after some cubs (7/8/9 year olds) and last week they were talking about how they with their parents in a beer garden. Some of the kids were climbing through a hedge which i guess was damaging it. Anyway a women grabs one of the kids and manhandles him back to his parents to get them to tell him off and stop climbing on the hedge, the parents respond by calling the police and having the said women arrested for abuse, which she duly was.




It's parents which are the problem in my experience. When I was a lad, I wasn't (too) worried about getting told off by teachers/policemen/other adults. I was worried about what would happen when my parents found out. So it's not really the punishment thing. Trust me. Parents are still punishing their kids. And even though teachers/other adults/policemen aren't directly punishing kids any more, if I ever get called into school by a teacher for something that one of mine does, or a policeman turns up at the door, you can be sure that there'll be a punishment being dished out!


As mentioned - these days parents seem far too often to take the word of their 7-year-old left-to-roam-the-streets kid over the word of another adult, even those in authority roles such as teachers and policemen. Not sure why. Maybe it's the decline of the "community" (most other adults are strangers these days). Maybe it's the media creating too much distrust of these authority figures. Maybe it's parents just being idiots and looking for a fight.


Sure as anything that these kind of parents don't realise the harm they're doing to their kids.

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Aaahh what happened to the good old days? When your friends parents would give you a cuff round the lug and tell you to straighten up and fly right?

Its a combination of PC thuggery, claim culture, restrictions on teachers and lazy parenting that breed these chavs. If I could punch every one of them in the throat and get away with it, I would.

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Aaahh what happened to the good old days? When your friends parents would give you a cuff round the lug and tell you to straighten up and fly right?

Its a combination of PC thuggery, claim culture, restrictions on teachers and lazy parenting that breed these chavs. If I could punch every one of them in the throat and get away with it, I would.


totally agree. There are a lot of faces in the world that need a good smack. Ah well all the meddling do-gooders have got their way.

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