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9/11 Conspiracy Vid


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i like watching/listening to conspiracy theories but like to keep an open mind about it all as whos to say these conspiracy theorists arent feeding us bullshit?

its just like an argument about religion, it just ends up going around in circles and produces some absolute nutters who take it to the extreme and even get aggressive if you question their 'theories'. ive experienced this first hand with a dude in work. his idol was david icke. say no more.

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Any chance of a quick summary for those of us who don't have the spare time to research it in full?


If you cant spare the time to seek out the "truth" then one has to question your motivation to seek it in the first place.


ignorance is bliss......enjoy it :)

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Any chance of a quick summary for those of us who don't have the spare time to research it in full?


Don't know if it's on the net, I recorded it a few months ago from Sky channel 200, it's an independent channel hosting all sorts of oddballs and nutcases (but are they?:cool::innocent::taped:)


It focuses on footage that made it to the media (some of it was retracted later on) showing the plane hitting the WTC having almost no passenger windows and the strange undercarriage that looks like a fuel tank or bomb - it lights up at that location on impact as well.

Also has the firemen describing the sequence of explosions as they were in the foyer of the WTC just before it collapsed - same people on camera again denied everything a month later:d


Also it has an expert on thermite looking at traces of tiny superheated blobs on parts of the steel that were not disposed.


The usual on the impact crater of the pentagon (lack of), footage from all existing security cameras (lack of) and frame by frame analysis of the existing impact footage.


Rather disturbing, yet hidden in plain sight, geddit?

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I cannot believe at all that it was a conspiracy.


Far too many people would have to be involved to make it work like it did and to keep them all quiet wouldn't be possible in my opinion.



But I am surprised with all these programmes on the tv about 911 that I've seen, the passengers and crew on the planes that crashed into the twin towers and the Pentagon never get as much as a mention. :blink:

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just like the politicians and the media :)



il believe what i see. in this case i saw 2 planes fly into 2 seperate buildings which in turn collapsed.


as has been said for every theory the conspiracy posse come up with can also have a logical explanation. take the 'explosives' for example which were going off a few floors below each collapsing level. in loose change i think they counted six, six little explosions to bring down a building of that size??? or maybe an extreme shift in pressure from the falling floors above causing certain wondows in certain areas to shatter?

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Although it was cobblers, it was very elequent, I gave it a 9/11.



Loose Change is utter cobblers though, u8er cobblers. The reason idiots fall for all that stuff is because it's comforting to think that if there is a big, evil plot behind these events, it can be uncovered and stopped from ever happening again.


The truth is far scarier, that any bunch of sky-pixie fundamentalists can organise themselves in such a way as to hijack 4 planes and cause such devastation and if they want to do it again in some other way, they will and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it.

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I'll try a better quick summary, from objectively looking at all the annomolies and missing links to 9-11, it is an event that could be called a false flag. Basically an event set up for either, political, or economical, possibly both.


Just like the the golf of tonkin incident another false flag , which was set up to get the americans into war with vietnam.


there are lots of sides to the debate, were there planes ( as mad as that sounds)

how did the buildings collapse at near freefall speed, without any seeming resistance.

tv fakery and trickery- holes appearing in the buildings that were not actually there.

peer reviewed scientific evidence proving that nano-thermate was present on the day, and int he debris.

wtc 7, wasnt actually hit, yet collapsed later in the day, at freefall speed into its own footprint.

2 of the planes that were hijacked and carshed, still actually fly today- one being flight 77.

A number of the terrorist who dieds, and were blamed are actually still alive.

some of the hijackers were trained on american military bases.

the strong israeli/mossad connection to the event.

all planes grounded that day, except bin ladens family fly out of america.

norad being in a state of confusion due to military excersises.

and many many others, it's worth looking into and not believing the 9-11 commisions investigation, which ommits lots and lots of key evidence,and is really the only true 9-11 conspiracy theory.

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