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The Easter Bunny! Found out he's not real... Santa! Apparently he's made up too... I found this out at a very young age and dealt with it fine... Why do some people still beleive in God? There was hard evidence of the easter bunny... I got my chocolate eggs! Santa's proof - I got my presents at Christmas... God... Errmmm.. No evidence, but he has more followers.


I used to believe in God, I used to believe he would take care of me and my family and keep us safe... Then my cousin died in Feburary, had a heart attack and died on the spot. Then 6 weeks later, his son died of cancer which he found he had the day after his dad's funeral. So his mum has lost her son AND her husband on less than 2 months. I stopped believing after this. Blind faith has gotten me nowhere, solved nothing and left me feeling powerless. Deciding that I don't want to belive in these myths and fairytales anylonger has given me more confidence, more control over my life, and I feel a lot better in myself, like a weight has been lifted. I belive in science and evolution. Religion was created as a way to gain power and control people. Religious fanatics just seem to waste their lives praying to a none-existent god, blow up stuff and kill people. I believe religion is man-made, and out dated. This is the 21st century. Take a look at the world, it's nothing like it used to be.

I am still a spiritual person though. I'm not sure if I belive any set beliefs on it, but I know there is something more after life... Or I would like to. I'm not sure, trying to imagine just not existing baffles me. We always have our conscience, we always think and can hear ourselves thinking in our heads... how can that be silenced?


each of us have a bit of godliness in us, the power to make a difference for good in a few others lives. :zen: Meditiation, destressing and therapy may help with the silencing of the inner voice, but why strive for that? To think is to be human.


Just thought, sleeping must silence that voice.

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Sorry, I meant "how can that be silenced?" as a rhetorical question, not as if I actually want it silenced... Because if we had no inner voice, no conciousness... We'd be zombies?? :blink:


absolutely mate. I think there are living dead too though. I think that in the average person parts of us are more alive than others. and some parts may even be dead in some.

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Like what for example? The only things I can think of are apendixes - due to evolution - they go pop, or some parts of the brain may be 'dead', like the 'dead zone'?


I'm talking about the city trader who just works and works, barely has time for anything else, hes almost at breaking point, and can't see it point of it also, even though he's raking it in, and the woman who works at Sainsbury's, and has done for the last 15 years, she never enjoyed her work and........ blah blah, lets not forget the man who lives it large, money, drugs, jetsetting, etc etc, but never had a relationship that lasted more than a week, just casual sex, paid sex, etc etc etc.

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I'm talking about the city trader who just works and works, barely has time for anything else, hes almost at breaking point, and can't see it point of it also, even though he's raking it in, and the woman who works at Sainsbury's, and has done for the last 15 years, she never enjoyed her work and........ blah blah, lets not forget the man who lives it large, money, drugs, jetsetting, etc etc, but never had a relationship that lasted more than a week, just casual sex, paid sex, etc etc etc.


Thats metaphorically dead though ;)

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You know when you go to sleep, then wake up. Well like that, but without the waking up bit, that's what I recon being dead is.

No dreaming, no heaven, no hell. Just like being asleep but not dreaming.


However, that's not to say I don't think religion has a place in society. If it helps people get along in life then I'm all for it. As John Lennon said "whatever gets you through the night - is alright, it's alright"


As long as people don't try to impose their beliefs onto the next person then let people believe whatever they want.

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someone told me who has read the bible said all this weather change etc is all wriiten in the bible to happen now?


Yes this is true, the bible does talk about weather change and alot of the things happening in the world today... it makes me think if the end is truly closer than we think...

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I find that statement absolutely hilarious. There is not one shred of proof in the bible about anything that happened in the bible. Literally not 1. Its a collaboration of stories written, yes in that time period, by people with a faith in something higher than life itself.


Now, i am not an atheist. I do not feel it fair to say there IS or there ISN'T something. I just sit on the fence like any other agnostic.


Back to why i found your statement hilarious. Adam was the first man on earth, eve was the first woman. They had 2 sons Kane and Able. Kane was a bad boy and ended up banished from the garden of eden. He was told by God to leave and take his prositutes with him.


Where the fook did the prostitutes come from? Have you actually read the bible? I have... i know practicing catholics who haven't. To say it doesn't contradict itself is absolutely ridiculous. You must have skipped most of it.


I hate religion, i love faith. I believe faith is a good thing. I don't really have faith in heaven or god but i appreciate people who do. I do have hope that there is life after death, my heart hopes there is but my head tells me there isn't. Religion is all about money and power, plain and simple.


Yes, I have read the whole of the new testiment and alot of the old but have not finished all of it yet... I would like to know what contradictions you have found.. I .. Like you HATE relegion. Christianity is NOT a relegion, and people who make it one are very wrong... being a chrisitan is about having a real and living relationship with Jesus... knowing him, loving him for what he has done... I can argue facts and science to everyone with as equal resolve.. but the point ends with the fact that, many things in the world try and dis-prove the bible... but the whole of the bible is about JEsus and what he has done, how great he is and more importantly getting to know him. He has the power to heal people, he is doing it even today! do a google search for Florida Revival, even today Jesus is doing awesome things! its worth a check... so yes, like you, relegion sucks... Faith is Jesus is the way to go... and.. we will all know one day the truth of everything!


I just hope that for YOUR sake I am wrong... because if I am RIGHT... then i think you will have lost alot...


But if your right.. then I havent really lost anything... :search:

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You know when you go to sleep, then wake up. Well like that, but without the waking up bit, that's what I recon being dead is.

No dreaming, no heaven, no hell. Just like being asleep but not dreaming.


However, that's not to say I don't think religion has a place in society. If it helps people get along in life then I'm all for it. As John Lennon said "whatever gets you through the night - is alright, it's alright"


As long as people don't try to impose their beliefs onto the next person then let people believe whatever they want.



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Yes, I have read the whole of the new testiment and alot of the old but have not finished all of it yet... I would like to know what contradictions you have found.. I .. Like you HATE relegion. Christianity is NOT a relegion, and people who make it one are very wrong... being a chrisitan is about having a real and living relationship with Jesus... knowing him, loving him for what he has done... I can argue facts and science to everyone with as equal resolve.. but the point ends with the fact that, many things in the world try and dis-prove the bible... but the whole of the bible is about JEsus and what he has done, how great he is and more importantly getting to know him. He has the power to heal people, he is doing it even today! do a google search for Florida Revival, even today Jesus is doing awesome things! its worth a check... so yes, like you, relegion sucks... Faith is Jesus is the way to go... and.. we will all know one day the truth of everything!


I just hope that for YOUR sake I am wrong... because if I am RIGHT... then i think you will have lost alot...


But if your right.. then I havent really lost anything...


I'm not really into this - if jesus is healing people everyday then who was the greater power to start the damage in the first place?


The way I see it is this, it is indeed amazing that these stories and book have lasted for so long - but with the 'advertising' - I mean a chapel/church or ten in every major town, village and city throughout the western world, and then some, its gonna guarantee an everlasting customer base as it has


Anyone noticed a decline in followers as the amount of churches/'god' houses has decreased over the years - especially in Britain?


Then you have the U.S where followers are declining slower - they probably have 20 or so god t.v channels and continue to have a 'god house' or ten in all those little towns where they have nothing better to do


The bible, god, pope whatever else is a Brand, people make a living out of it and people are in power because of it - as long as it dont affect me or rather I dont see any evidence of it then they can do what they like


Science is the way forward and it will continue to banish/quash stories from the past as it already has - remember the world was once flat;)

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Yes, I have read the whole of the new testiment and alot of the old but have not finished all of it yet... I would like to know what contradictions you have found.. I .. Like you HATE relegion. Christianity is NOT a relegion, and people who make it one are very wrong... being a chrisitan is about having a real and living relationship with Jesus... knowing him, loving him for what he has done... I can argue facts and science to everyone with as equal resolve.. but the point ends with the fact that, many things in the world try and dis-prove the bible... but the whole of the bible is about JEsus and what he has done, how great he is and more importantly getting to know him. He has the power to heal people, he is doing it even today! do a google search for Florida Revival, even today Jesus is doing awesome things! its worth a check... so yes, like you, relegion sucks... Faith is Jesus is the way to go... and.. we will all know one day the truth of everything!


I just hope that for YOUR sake I am wrong... because if I am RIGHT... then i think you will have lost alot...


But if your right.. then I havent really lost anything... :search:


If you read what i wrote again, you will see the contradiction i am talking about. I'm guessing you must have missed the whole Kane and Able part.

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Throughout the whole bible when it talks about the dead or people who are dead it is talking about people who dont believe in Jesus...


If you dont believe in Jesus you cannot get into heaven.


Sounds like a fascist dictator to me. Forcing cooperation and belief with fear and threats, nice one. :rolleyes:



I'm with JustGav, what he said earlier, there probably is a higher power and it may well have created some of what we know, but it's not a god, it doesn't watch over us and hear our prayers and care what happens when we live or die. There may be lower creatures than us that are maybe 1 dimensional so we cannot measure them, and maybe we create and destroy these creatures just by moving, maybe billions of generations of 1D creatures are created and destroyed when I took a dump this morning - does that make me their god?



What happens to your soul when you die? Even in a scientific way where it's just energy, does it float off into the nothing or does it join with the next being that's been brought into existence? Are there a limited number of souls so with the increasing population of man there is a directly proportional decrease of other lifeforms? Does the dimension that the souls exist in not have any relevance to numbering, it's just there, so 'souls' are floating around all over the place and the only link they have with our dimension is through us (ghosts etc.)?

There are so many different ways to think about all this and none of them can be proven yet. The only thing I'm certain of is that religious books were written by man. Regardless of whether they say it was gods words, it was still written by 1 person, 1 single human being wrote those words - how can you base your entire life on something like that!!!! :blink:

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okay my 2 cents worth now i think:


I am not Religious- but i do have faith. Religion- for the most part is what people think it is... a con, a controlling factor etc whatever.. and its a damn shame that people who have faith in God get tarred with the same brush as these people.


science-- well my personaly opinion is that i cant beleive in this big bang nonsense. so im a creationist-- which your all gonna say well thats nonsense.. but is that cos its not the "norm" we are only really fed by society what we wanna hear- in my view thats shying away from the fact that ACTUALLY there might be something bigger thant US!? some people find that hard, others don't.. and thats fine cos people will do what they want..so if i beleive in a God im crazy.. but then people who beleive in science beleive in man whos telling them this is happening (and thats not crazy lol?? ).. how many people have done their own carbon dating? how come there are no more monkeys evolving... personally for me i cant beleive in coincidence when the world we live in is in the most perfect position so we can sustain life. or our complicated circulatory system. i cant bring myself to think any other way cos for me it dont make sense.. but a God does.


which leads me to this.. FREEWILL.. i have people say well if theirs a God why is there illness and poverty etc etc .. my answer is this.. Freewill- my view is that when we were created we were given freewill to choose what we wanna beleive to make us free- so if God was to keep sticking his hand in and changing things that really wouldnt make us free would it.. i dont wanna get to theological but u have to look at the opposite god which is the devil- but will skip that lesson for now. so tell me what Freedom is lol-- and then ill talk bout how we live in a subtle dictorship government LOL


so in short.. i beleive in alot of what Alex is saying .. i think its good for people to have a faith aswell as people to have adverse beleifs.. at the end of the day even athiest beleive in smthing LOL


if u dont then fine.. if u do then great.. i think its important that people dont judge people over what they beleive-- i get enuff of judgement everyday for being dreadlocked pierced and tattoed metaller as it is. LOL


er rant over?


maybe for now.

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Guest Nicholas
Couldn't resist what? Reposting? Or being a pretender and a fraud? :)


for being a pretender and a fraud sadly I am not God. However, I am god like in my own special way :)

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