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Firestorm, you haven't done the appropriate leg work on the Science front. I'm with you on the freewill part though. I say believe what you want to believe instead of what someone tells you. All i ask of my family when they want to talk to me about such things is to take the damn blinkers off.


The big bang is a simple name for something that can't be explained. If you want to say that was god, then fair enough as there is no proof whatsoever that it wasn't. The earth was around for billions of years before anything even lived on it let alone monkeys turning into humans. They developed over millions of years so i don't think watching them for a couple of 1000 is doing the proper groundwork. They are, however, a lot smarter than they used to be. NASA has been training chimps and selecting certain families of chimps to test for years.


Carbon dating? its a science, it doesn't matter who does it. Its like maths, mistakes can be made but if the proper formulae are followed the correct answer will be given.


I'm stopping here or it will turn into a huge rant. My main thing against faith is the blinkers. Religion i just detest completely.

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hey dude, it wasnt that i didnt do my leg work its purely the fact that i could argue blue murder with u over the science part ive looked at both- studied both- not in finite detail but enuff for me to beleive in what i do .just wanted to briefly touch on things.


carbon dating iirc is what a lot of scientist are basing there theory on ..


i think my real point is that i personally think that science doesnt explain all the answeres and its very easy to say it does when as u say u have the blinkers on.. why be so narrow minded to beleive that theres an human answer for everything.. why cant we beleive in smthing thats not human like God- why is that so strange.. not many people know that darwin (alledgelly) changed his theroem before he died.. saying that it holes in it..







Firestorm, you haven't done the appropriate leg work on the Science front. I'm with you on the freewill part though. I say believe what you want to believe instead of what someone tells you. All i ask of my family when they want to talk to me about such things is to take the damn blinkers off.


The big bang is a simple name for something that can't be explained. If you want to say that was god, then fair enough as there is no proof whatsoever that it wasn't. The earth was around for billions of years before anything even lived on it let alone monkeys turning into humans. They developed over millions of years so i don't think watching them for a couple of 1000 is doing the proper groundwork. They are, however, a lot smarter than they used to be. NASA has been training chimps and selecting certain families of chimps to test for years.


Carbon dating? its a science, it doesn't matter who does it. Its like maths, mistakes can be made but if the proper formulae are followed the correct answer will be given.


I'm stopping here or it will turn into a huge rant. My main thing against faith is the blinkers. Religion i just detest completely.

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science-- well my personaly opinion is that i cant beleive in this big bang nonsense. so im a creationist-- which your all gonna say well thats nonsense..

I'm both, like Scot said it could be a creator who started the big bang.


personally for me i cant beleive in coincidence when the world we live in is in the most perfect position so we can sustain life. or our complicated circulatory system. i cant bring myself to think any other way cos for me it dont make sense.. but a God does.

Yeah but hang on, how big is infinite? If there are an infinite number of possible parallel dimensions, then there must be infinite dimensions where life evolves. If you're in one of the dimensions where the right stuff didn't happen to come together how would you know? Just because we're lucky enough to be part of the one that worked doesn't mean there weren't loads that didn't work!!

That's one scientific possibility, like I said I believe a higher being started it all, but I can't say that's the only answer.

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I was talking to one of the guys in work about atoms the other day. It got a little indepth but the long and short of it was that i described an atom as a solar system.


Science can break down an atom nowadays but years ago that was the smallest thing there was.


What if our solar system is an atom and other solar systems are other atoms joined to this one. If we could zoom out perhaps we are all part of something much bigger and the big bang was the creation of that thing.


As far as existence goes, IMO anything goes.

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like both ur inputs there dudes.. i have friends that beleive God was creative and started the big bang.. its a theory i guess.. and well never know really..


i do believe the universe is massive.. its a scary thought one that will give us a headache lol..


btw im not against science at all.. but i think that people behind science need to be careful what they preach cos it can be very influential.


ps. it was family guy

his room mate rex or jugs or smthing were playing arm wrestling then god farted hehe.. i like alot of the stuff they say in that its very funny.. but they sit very much on the fence.. one min they are supporting the nxt min they are teasing..


"come on baby its my birthday" lol!

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What happens to your soul when you die? Even in a scientific way where it's just energy, does it float off into the nothing or does it join with the next being that's been brought into existence?


Hasn't it been measured that the instant you die your weight decreases 21grams? :confused:

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Does anyone else think that humans are ignorant? Why does everything always seem to revolve around us? Climate change is our fault (yeh, right!) We used to think we were the centre of the universe. We belive we are the most powerful race on the planet (take yourself and only the clothes on your back into the Sahara and tell me you're superior!) Do other animals worship any kind of god? Does your beloved pet dog go to doggy heavan when he dies? Do fish go to heaven? Why is it only humans seem to? Heavan is a joke, and hell is a lie. I don't beleve in reincarnation either... soul recycling... and if your soul goes out the day before it's to be collected then you get a fine! lmao! Maybe we're just looking into it too deeply. You're born, you live, you spread your gene to the next generation, then you die and that's it. No God, nothing more, just simplly animals breeding, evolving and dying as nature dictates.

As for freedom, you're never free, just given the illusion that you are. Why is it I can't just jump on a plane and go to where ever I like? I need a passport, a visa, etc and all of this costs money. To get money I need a job, and to get a job is to become much like the bodies in 'The Matrix'. All contained in the illusion they have lives, but they are in reality just feeding a larger power. Fish are free, they can swim anywhere they want! If I want to go somewhere or do anything - it involves money, stress, and inconvenience! Selling my soul to a life of emptness and distracted by worldly posessions and the new latest thing to keep my mind off the depressing reality that we are all nothing but zombies... We just don't realise it.

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lol postive outlook there...


free.. well although i keep saying we live in a subtle dictorship-freedom for us is now a control state..however i beats living as slave being forced to do stuff.. ur not forced to go and do smthing in this country i guess..


i respect your view that we just here and we die.. but why just that.. doesnt that seem a little pointless..

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Guest Bobbling


Back to why i found your statement hilarious. Adam was the first man on earth, eve was the first woman. They had 2 sons Kane and Able. Kane was a bad boy and ended up banished from the garden of eden. He was told by God to leave and take his prositutes with him.


Where the fook did the prostitutes come from? Have you actually read the bible? I have... i know practicing catholics who haven't. To say it doesn't contradict itself is absolutely ridiculous. You must have skipped most of it.



Whats the chapter and verse this happens in? And is 'Cain' by the way ;)

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Whats the chapter and verse this happens in? And is 'Cain' by the way ;)


No idea mate, i don't have a bible anymore. I read it when i was at school. Think it will be genesis 4 something or other.


If you skip through you should come accross it. Its after he has killed his brother. He takes his wife and son's with him.

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Wasn't it the devil who got them to do it though?


Thing is with God and getting into heavan... God is supposed to forgive your sins if you ask... So you could do anything you wanted, kill, rape, steal, whatever, say sorry, then strole right into heavan...


I tried reading the bible, but I couldn't get my head around the language, I couldn't understand what was goin on, so I gave up.

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did you know the catholic church has killed more people than all wars ever combined ?

And why was this ?

mostly for money and power


ps. they even wiped out to the last man woman and child a whole race of people (the name of race now escapes me)



that kinda says it all for me about religion !


its all about power money and greed

the various "churches" are some of the largest cororations in the world and more devious than any of the actual business corporations


argh im gonna shut up now i hate religion and all it encompasses

its the one thing that just gets me angry :(

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i think adam and eve were banished frm the garden of eden when ate from the tree of good and evil. they were told not to. they had freewill. they did. they got kicked out.. simple.


This was before Adam and Eve got banished. They had 2 sons, one of them killed the other out of jealousy IIRC. He was banished from Eden, i can't remember if he went to hell or not.

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Guest Bobbling

Thing is with God and getting into heavan... God is supposed to forgive your sins if you ask... So you could do anything you wanted, kill, rape, steal, whatever, say sorry, then strole right into heavan...


God knows your heart, if you repented and was truly sorry then yes you would get into heaven :)

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This was before Adam and Eve got banished. They had 2 sons, one of them killed the other out of jealousy IIRC. He was banished from Eden, i can't remember if he went to hell or not.
Cain and Abel were born AFTER Adam and Eve were banished from Eden.


According to the story. :)

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did you know the catholic church has killed more people than all wars ever combined ?

And why was this ?

mostly for money and power


its all about power money and greed

the various "churches" are some of the largest cororations in the world and more devious than any of the actual business corporations





I despise the catholic church above all else, they are an evil, corrupt hypocritical cult flogging their dead ideology to the weak.

If the government are so keen on making money, why don't they start taxing the church, they'd be worth far more than motorists.


When you die, that's it, game over. Life is for living NOW and I'll have sod all to regret and apologise for when I'm gone; I've done all kinds of shit and loved every minute of it.




I keep my bible in a pool of blood, so that none of it's lies can affect me

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I despise the catholic church above all else, they are an evil, corrupt hypocritical cult flogging their dead ideology to the weak.

If the government are so keen on making money, why don't they start taxing the church, they'd be worth far more than motorists.


When you die, that's it, game over. Life is for living NOW and I'll have sod all to regret and apologise for when I'm gone; I've done all kinds of $#@! and loved every minute of it.




I keep my bible in a pool of blood, so that none of it's lies can affect me



dam right :D


all religious brainwashers are scum of the highest order

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