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Restrictor Ring ?!?


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Yes if you fit a boost controller to hold pressure off the wastegate. The 1Bar RR means you can't get lower than 1Bar, but you can get higher :)


To add onto this you can get any boost you want even WITH a 1 bar RR. It is not guaranteed that you will get over 1 bar of boost, as when a RR is made it is all estimated.


Choosing a 1 bar RR is the best route, then you use a boost controller to achieve 1.2 bar. However you have to have the other mods to achieve this e.g. double decat, uprated fuel pump, IK24 pugs (or similar) and a new SMIC or FMIC (FMIC is a bit pointless.) Or you can choose a 1.2bar RR and hit a possible 1.2 bar Straight away (depending on other mods).

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I have a imported J-Spec,....

Is a uprated fuel pump really neccessary or a new SMIC or FMIC for going over 1 bar ?!

isnt it possible to over 1bar with stock SMIC and fuel pump ?!


My current mods are:

i had fully decat but now i have one race kat with my Blitz Nur Spec.

i also have iridium pugs


I have a boost controller installed.. but i think t doesnt work,..it doesnt matter how i config it or it is ON or OFF my car always dives like before... and my pressure is max 0,85 bar ?!

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You really do have to get a new SMIC/FMIC to be honest, the way to check is to rub your finger along the fins or your SMIC and if the crumble then it is 100% time for a change, once you have fitted that you may actually over boost. I have heared of people using stock J-spec pump but it it is best to get an up rated one.


If you are going BPU mate it is always best to do it properly and not in half measures.


Nic does some good priceson SMIC's

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i have forgotten to say,.. i have also fitted an FCD ...

ok so i need a btter intercooler and a better pump to go full BPU !!

is this perhaps the reason why i am not going over 1 bar ?!?


Unless the IC has a leak it will not stop the boost pressure rising. If it is fully decatted with a free flowing cat back exhaust a jspec will easily hit 1.6 bar in all gears (Bad idea!!). If it doesn't, either you have some sort of boost control plumbed in (unlikely) or you have an issue with the stock boost system - most likely a pressure leak, VSV or actuator problem.


Take a look here for some details on how it should work: bpu


Oh and finally, what year and spec is your car? It's not a late model or VVTI is it?

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You say you have a 'race cat' with your NUR Spec exhaust? Is this definitely a cat and not just another silencer? I don't know of any NUR Spec exhausts that include a cat as standard, have you added this 'race cat'? Where is it located?


If you do have a cat fitted, then it could be you don't need the restrictor ring at all, or need to open up the hole in the ring so it is less restrictive. Have you tried removing the restrictor ring completely and seeing if it will boost higher? Don't go mad with your right foot, just test to see if it'll make more boost (don't go over around 1.2bar).


Is the boost controller you have fitted new? Are you sure it is working and has been installed correctly?

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I don't think you have any kind of boost leak.


I'm running the exact setup you are mentioning supraTTBPU. I don't exactly have a race cat but left in the 1st cat. I'm not installed a RR since I'm not boosting past 0,85 bar either. You aren't either due to the RR fittet or the cat. Try to remove the RR and see how far you go.

If your race cat arent fitted to close (be sure of this) to the turbos you might get the best result keeping that in and using the boost controller (correctly installed) to raise boost to 1,2 bar. But be sure that you exhaust temp doesnt get too high. Dont know that too high is though, but check with a good supra garage.

Else remove both the cat and the RR and work with the RR untill you find the correct size/boos (should be around 50mm to hit 1 bar) for you. To be on the safe side, keep "general" boost at 1 - 1,1bar and then maybe use a boostcontroller to hit max 1,2 bar. This only makes any real difference if you SMIC is in good condition. If it is (test as described above) you shouldnt need to fit another one.

You WILL need to add the fuel pump though, since you are running a high risk with the stock one if for example it isn't working as completely new. Another real good thing would be to dyno the car when you have fitted everything. If you are hitting much more than 400 flywheel hp's you should begin to think about your injectors which from stock will support 430 hp's if they are working withing specifications. You don't want to push this either. Make sure to get a Air/Fuel reading when everything is installed, to be safe.

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@ Nic,...


it is a race kat 100cpi.. here a few pics how it looks like





it is not another silencer,...i have added this kat because in germany it is a MUST HAVE !!!


At the pics @my attachment you can see where it is located,..


No it is an old one not a new BC and i dont know if it is running right,.. because it doesnt matter how i config it it is always the same,.. so it is damged or not installed correctly,..


so is my race kat to near @the engine ?!?

1st pic= first pipe to the enigne

2nd pic= at the firtst pipe is my kat locatedt

3rd pic?= is the end of my blitz nur spec




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With the cat fitted, you may not need the restrictor ring at all, the cat acts as a restriction in the exhaust and so by adding the ring as well, you probably have too big a restriction, which is keeping the boost low.


Try removing the ring completely and test to see what peak boost it will make (try in a higher gear such as 4th), becareful not to take it over 1.2bar if it does want to overboost.


If it overboosts above 1.2bar, then you'll need to increase the size of the hole in the ring and re-fit. If it boost to less than 1.2bar then just leave the ring off completely.


Let us know what the results are.

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Ok Nic thank you,...


the ring is between the pipes,.. where is is usally installed ?!? between which pipe ?!?


but is the cat at the right place or would it be better to have it on antoher place ?!


The ring can be installed anywhere before the exhaust, it doesn't really make any difference where it is.


The cat is fine where it is, no need to move it.


Just remove the ring, test and let us know what the results are.

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