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What really Pees me off


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This morning it's bloody ignorant tossy commuters.


'I know I'll have a coffee and leave the cup on the floor of the train'

'Oh look a flyers fallen/been shaken out of my paper, I'll leave it here'


What bloody hope do we have if people cannot be bothered with little things like this.


I always take my rubbish with me and so will my kids.. It's all to often I see a kid with their parents drop rubbish and their parents don't do anything about it.


We might as well give up and live in a fudging cave..


Rant over... morning all. :)

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People in general, if they're commuters or not pee me off.


There are absolutely no manners left in this world.


The woman in the flat downstairs knocked on the door this morning to accuse me of putting the bin out (which I hadn't) on the wrong day. No sorry to disturb you etc.


Need to find myself a nice desert island somewhere and live with monkeys.

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People in general, if they're commuters or not pee me off.


There are absolutely no manners left in this world.


The woman in the flat downstairs knocked on the door this morning to accuse me of putting the bin out (which I hadn't) on the wrong day. No sorry to disturb you etc.


Need to find myself a nice desert island somewhere and live with monkeys.


WTF? Who is she? The bin police?

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WTF? Who is she? The bin police?


No she's just a nosey b*tch.


She's a freak honestly. She stopped me in the street a few weeks ago and said that someone had knocked her wing mirror off, but looked at me as if I'd done it! I felt like saying, if you want me to do the other one love you're going the right way about it.

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Was the bin full? Maybe she thought it was Osama "Bin Laden"!! I know........... I'll get my coat.


I didn't put it out! That was the point. SOMEONE had put their bin out and rubbish had been got at by a cat or something. Obviously because i'm the youngest in the building it must've been me, what with the youth of today and all. :rolleyes:

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I'm a commuter :hide:


Dude, I have nothing against commuters, I'm am on myself 3 days out of 12, but I am against people who have no respect for anything.


Feel like going round there house and dropping crap all over the place.


It was just that it was commuters this morning.


Next week.. other holiday makers.. :eyebrows:



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your right, people in general have no consideration for others - i.e. my new "neighbour" (lives opposite) shouts her head off every time i park IN MY DRIVEWAY cause she says she cant get her "car out" of her driveway :shock: how inconsiderate of me - .... then just a few weeks ago, her fella had a go at my dad cause he left his car on their side of the street ... when my old man told me, the fucker was nowhere to be seen

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Were you sweetness and light when she knocked on your door, perhaps you should have told here to go away in short sharp jerky movements. She is being a bully thats all.


I'm always sweetness and light, I don't know how to be any other way. :sly:


I think she's still got the hump with us after a particularly rowdy rendition of Kate Bush's running up that hill on the karaoke machine at 2am. But we never have wild parties or owt like that.

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Used syringes in the sand on Bournemouth beach

Discarded portable barbeques on Durdle Door beach

Broken beer bottles on Shell Bay beach

Floaters in the sea on every beach

All the above on Cleethorpes beach


I miss Holy Island north shore beach

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This morning it's bloody ignorant tossy commuters.


'I know I'll have a coffee and leave the cup on the floor of the train'

'Oh look a flyers fallen/been shaken out of my paper, I'll leave it here'


What bloody hope do we have if people cannot be bothered with little things like this.


I always take my rubbish with me and so will my kids.. It's all to often I see a kid with their parents drop rubbish and their parents don't do anything about it.


We might as well give up and live in a fudging cave..


Rant over... morning all. :)


With you there. The same thing happens in the staff restaurant at work, people just leave their coffee cups and litter on the tables rather than place in the bins they have to walk right past when they leave. Sometimes you find crisp packets that have been stuck in pot plants! And it's not like this is a minimum wage factory or something, it's a quite posh civil service office. Makes you despair how lazy some people are. :(



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