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Home office laptop setup


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Hi Everyone,



Just been told that i'll be working from home for another 6 months so work are shelling out for me to have a home office setup (I've been on the kitchen table for 4 months :( )


I have twin monitor setup at work and want the same at home but not having access to the office I don't know what hub I was using to connect the screens, ethernet cable, keyboard and mouse. The new screens I have requested are both HDMI cables and for the life of me I can't find a reasonably priced one for being able to extend the display onto 2 different monitors! Can someone tell me if this is actually possible? Or whether I need a display port adapter as well as a HDMI feed. I'm pulling my hair out :p


The laptop is relatively new and has a type c thunderbolt port as well as a HMDI port on the laptop. I ideally only want the hub attached so I don't have to keep unplugging multiple things. I have to work upstairs then have my zoom meeting downstairs so I don't wake the wife up who works nights!


Most people aren't using dual monitors at my work so their isn't any guidance on what to use and how much they will pay so I'll have to assume I can spend more than £100 on it and it needs to be on Amazon! Worst case is I can "borrow" my existing dock from work but I can't get in the building for another 3 months.

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I'm using this one at home:



It's crude and only has a couple of USB ports, so might not do what you want.




That looks like it's just what I am after! To confirm to you can use the screen independently with separate documents open on each?

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Yep, I'm currently using two screens plus the Laptop screen.






This is a very timely thread as my girlfriend is in a similar position.


So this just plugs into your laptop via USB-C and you plug 2 hdmi monitors into it?

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My wierd setup that has evolved over the past few months.

Origonaly just my gaming rig with 3 screens its now...

Laptop. with a mouse plugged in. I was given it by work but i hate it and i dont have the correct adapter to plug in another screen.

An IP phone.

Left and Middle screen plugged into my work machine i took from the office with a keybord and mouse.

Middle and Right screen plugged into my non work pc. with another keybord and mouse. This is a gaming keybord and sucks to type on compared to my office one.


I switch the middle screen between the 2 pc's with the monitor input options as i have 2 cables going into it, one hdmi and one display port.

It means i dont have to swap cables arround all the time when i finish work and play games in the evening :).


I spent ages looking for display port KVM switch with enough inputs but they were rediculously expensive. So this is my compromise :)

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I use a work-supplied Thinkpad with a Thinkpad port replicator/dock thing. The dock has got 2 video outs - VGA and DisplayPort. They are both active and I use 2 monitors (one plugged in to each video out) to have a windows desktop that extends across the screens.

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