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Dodgy security company - steer clear!


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Just a brief warning to anyone considering using Gap Security - don’t! They did such a bad install of a clifford concept 650, causing so many problems with my tt auto uk, that I’m now advised by an expert to rip it out and start again from scratch.


And Gap don’t reply to mail, (actively refused to reply) and offered no refund etc...


So, get the milkman or a random stranger or anyone else to do it, but use Gap only if you’ve got too mich money and want to spend it on breaking your car...


PS I’m not trying to escalate this particularly - just wanted to warn fellow Supra enthusiasts ;)

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Yeah, I tried Trading Standards but no response after three or four tries... I guess they are not interested. I know there is technically a case here because a specialist advised me but if both the original company and trading standards refuse to reply then I’m not left with many options short of all-out war and I don’t have the energy for that. Companies like Gap Security probably rely on the fact it is difficult to get trading standards to reply... I’m better off putting my energy into driving a fantastic car :)

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Yeah, I tried Trading Standards but no response after three or four tries... I guess they are not interested. I know there is technically a case here because a specialist advised me but if both the original company and trading standards refuse to reply then I’m not left with many options short of all-out war and I don’t have the energy for that. Companies like Gap Security probably rely on the fact it is difficult to get trading standards to reply... I’m better off putting my energy into driving a fantastic car :)


As DNK said if you used a card then get in touch with the issuer and process a reverse charge.

Or use MCOL - Money Claim online (https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome) a bit more long winded but they will cough up either way.

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