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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Gold toyota badges from a 96 supra


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I was going to keep these for collection purposes but I realise its cluttering up the glovebox and I'll likely never ever re-fit these to the car. And know how much some people on here really want them as they look great on green/black/red supras. My car was white and I don't think its aged well for a white car so removed.


I'm aware how rare an option these were. These are genuine and I stood over Rob from Likwid art when he carefully removed them from the car.


Just to let you know the original plan was to get Lidwid art's gold "supra" badge to be added to the back (my original supra badge was accidentally removed when I had a respray of the tailgate and misplaced - thankfully wasn't a super rare gold one). The reason I never did it to save you guys the hassle is the likwid art gold doesn't match the Toyota gold. Hence I didn't go ahead with it.


I'll get photos later or pm me and I'll Whatsapp them to you.


For the pair of front and back I'd like £130. No offers - No rush to sell.


I'm aware how rare these are and they are plated with real gold according to legend if you read up on these.

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