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Shisha Bar and smoking ban


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I would have agreed with this if people carried little hookah pipes with them and smoked them in resturants, pubs, bars etc.. but as shisha smoking is EXCLUSIVELY done in shisha bars then that argument isn't valid for me. You know?


I don't though as you will still have people that go to these establisments that do not smoke Shisha and mearly there with friends. These people will passive smoke resulting in possible damage in the same timescales as lung cancer. You cannot sit there and tell me that 100% of the people that go to Shisha bars are all Shisha smokers?


Or is Shisha really not that harmful at all?

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see thats what you call commen sense " i dont no much about it so its not my place"


Alot of people are commenting about it on here without even understanding what it is...I used to work in a a club, (Oceana kingston) a few years ago and i used to come home drenched in smoke, and i didnt even smoke...public places such as clubs, pubs etc i agree smoking ban should be enforced its much better,, But a shisha cafe is purely a cafe to smoke shisha, and its not as if its 1 or 2 cafes, thers hundreds, atleast 30-40 down edgware road alone...Now most have gone out of business...


the only reason im choosing not to comment on something i know nothing about is because i learnt from the hunting ban to bite my tongue


too many people in this world are opinionated in discussions which they have no idea about,


as for people loosing there livelyhood (sp) over this smoking ban, oh boo hoo, your so hard done by, recents bans have cause alot off people to change careers, there way off living, so trust me when i say, your not the only people loosing your livelyhood :rolleyes:


imo i think people should just accept these bans, you'll get more agro if you fight them, its the goverment, basically, you cant win :(

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....but banning all kinds of smoke in all places is wrong.


Who is banning all kinds of smoke? :search:


Isn't this entire thread about the smoking of a tobacco product rather than the production of smoke from burning things?


Can't the Shisha places simply change to a tobacco-free alternative, continue business, continue the amazing social element so many people seem keen to retain and keep selling the sandwiches, snacks and drinks that apparently nobody wants?

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It doesn't matter whether shisha is harmful or not.

As it stands, it has been declared ILLEGAL to smoke in a public place. Whether you like it or not, the elected government has passed a law.

Put up with it or campaign (peacefully please) for the law to be changed.


Then once they've made an allowance for you, all the other minority groups can have their go.

Just think, loads of smokers clubs could start up all over the country based on the precedent if successful.

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It doesn't matter whether shisha is harmful or not.

As it stands, it has been declared ILLEGAL to smoke in a public place. Whether you like it or not, the elected government has passed a law.

Put up with it or campaign (peacefully please) for the law to be changed.


Then once they've made an allowance for you, all the other minority groups can have their go.

Just think, loads of smokers clubs could start up all over the country based on the precedent if successful.



Oooh great. I hope they bring back Opium dens. I've always fancied a go in one of them. :D

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FYI I nearly went into this very Shisha Bar just before Christmas and I only wanted a spot of lunch, not some octopus thing blowing smoke on me.


Why did you pick this bar if you didn't want to be surrounded in smoke? Any other person would have noticed the octopus and been on their way.


I can go into a pub and have a sandwich without feeling the need to drink alcohol, I suspect Shisha people can go into their favourite places and smoke tobacco free varieties without being subjected to these laws?


No they cannot!! Thats the point! All smoking, regardless is BANNED. And do you really mean to tell me that people actually go to the pub just to eat? C'mon.



People go outside to smoke cigarettes now :search:



Do they now? And how long does a cigerette last; 5 mins??

An average sized shisha bowl can last over an hour... not really the same thing is it as popping out for a 'quick cig'?

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What realy bugged me about the smoking ban is that in the 70`s when i was kid smoking was realy heavily advertised all over the place,

On Tv,

On racing cars,

On Buses

In magazines

By Models

and altho i cant say it was just the advertising that got me smoking i have to say it helped,Myself and lots of my mates thought smoking was cool.,

So again the gvnmnt is to blame,

they should DEF allow smoking in places with licences to allow smoking and these premises have large signs on the door saying " these premises are licenced for smoking"

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Alot of people are commenting about it on here without even understanding what it is...I used to work in a a club, (Oceana kingston) a few years ago and i used to come home drenched in smoke, and i didnt even smoke...public places such as clubs, pubs etc i agree smoking ban should be enforced its much better,, But a shisha cafe is purely a cafe to smoke shisha, and its not as if its 1 or 2 cafes, thers hundreds, atleast 30-40 down edgware road alone...Now most have gone out of business...


What about the employees of these Shisha Bars? Do they not come home smelling of smoke after a shift at work? Should they not be protected?

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What about the employees of these Shisha Bars? Do they not come home smelling of smoke after a shift at work? Should they not be protected?


Jake I'm sure they're smart enough to know that working in a shisha bar could lead to them smelling of shisha; which can often smell very nice... :)

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It might have been advertised heavily Darren, but I don't think you can blame the government for encouraging you. They were only guilty by not banning the advertising.

It's the tobacco companies you should be blaming.


To be honest Ivan i blame myself ,. for smoking for 25 years and quitting only last year.

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Jake I'm sure they're smart enough to know that working in a shisha bar could lead to them smelling of shisha; which can often smell very nice... :)



I am sorry but that's a pathetic excuse. So as an employer your stance is based on your comment above - "It was their choice to work here" if they fall ill.

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FYI I nearly went into this very Shisha Bar just before Christmas and I only wanted a spot of lunch, not some octopus thing blowing smoke on me.




Or in many cases some great food and a drink or two.




I can go into a pub and have a sandwich without feeling the need to drink alcohol, I suspect Shisha people can go into their favourite places and smoke tobacco free varieties without being subjected to these laws? Afterall you can still cook chicken on a charcoal grill in Nandos, that makes smoke flavoured with their sauces and isn't banned as yet.





Yet they serve food, drink and other items... it might be an "extra" but you keep saying people only go to these places to smoke Shisha when that clearly isn't the case. If that's all they supplied to the public then your ranting might have a point but basically it's no different to a restaurant selling cigars is it?




So some of the the ones in the UK *only* do this shisha stuff and don't sell food and drink then?




People go outside to smoke cigarettes now :search:




So Shisha lovers can't have a good conversation over a glass of refreshing non-alcoholic beverage then?


Odd bunch, just as well they are getting banned!


I aint gonna loose my cool on this when people like you be tryna provoke...


Yea pubs sell food, but its main reason is for the alcohol RIGHT???? ..Well the main reason for a shisha cafe is the shisha....WHAT are shisha cafes called shisha Cafes for?


Yea they sell food, but thats to accompany you while you smoke..., they dont really make much money from the food, thats why so many of them have gone out of business...


Yea cant go out everynight and chill and sit down for a few hours just over a coke, well maybe some people can but thats personal choice....and if you think about it, its a stupid what your suggesting...


If I went into a pub to get some food, but didnt feel like having alcohol around me or people smelling of it, wouldnt i feel like and idiot and fool and stupid if I complained about it as after all it is a PUB.......same things goes with a shisha cafe and your example...


You clearly dont understand how a shisha cafe works, ok your from up north, maybe things are different there, but in london hundreds of shisha cafes have gone out of business because the MAIN 98% reason to go there was for the shisha, the food they served mainly was just small snacks to accompany it, or make it seem a little bit more upmarket than its competition...


Shisha cafes are not public places in the sense that you have people in there for all types of reason...the main reason is shisha, yea you have food served there and drink, you can buy it seperatly, but thats to accompany you while you smoke....no one really goes in there just to buy a drink, because its not a newsagent... Its like a vegetarian walking into a kebab shop to buy a drink, and then walking out complaining about the meat,they would be stupid because it was THIER CHOICE to go in no one made them,

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I don't though as you will still have people that go to these establisments that do not smoke Shisha and mearly there with friends. These people will passive smoke resulting in possible damage in the same timescales as lung cancer. You cannot sit there and tell me that 100% of the people that go to Shisha bars are all Shisha smokers?


Or is Shisha really not that harmful at all?


Well I've read many many pages of text research saying it is not, and that is my opinion also. However if the pipe is not cleaned prior, or setup properly or has too much charcoal then i'm sure it can be very harmful...

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I am sorry but that's a pathetic excuse. So as an employer your stance is based on your comment above - "It was their choice to work here" if they fall ill.


Huh? Who said anything about falling ill? It was smelling of shisha that is the problem.


Why do people always talk of passive smoking being more harmful then actually smoking? What on earth? Do you not think that the person smoking is also breathing it in after?? It's common sense really.

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Huh? Who said anything about falling ill? It was smelling of shisha that is the problem.


Why do people always talk of passive smoking being more harmful then actually smoking? What on earth? Do you not think that the person smoking is also breathing it in after?? It's common sense really.



When you smoke iirc 70% or the harmful smoke is exhaled out. Passive smoking is more harmful than smoking itself.


Stand to be corrected, I vividly remember the NHS adverts on TV warning smokers about passive smoking causing more harm.

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What about the employees of these Shisha Bars? Do they not come home smelling of smoke after a shift at work? Should they not be protected?


Its thier chice to work there....Its a SHISHA CAFE....i never used to complain about it when i was working at the club, but it was something i noticed and accepted because everyone was doing it....


but look i dont get it, are people dumb, its a SHISHA cafe for the 100000000th time, dont you understand....a shisha cafe is going to sell shisha, smoke, without the smoke no no business, no business no job, its the persons choice to work there...

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Huh? Who said anything about falling ill? It was smelling of shisha that is the problem.


Why do people always talk of passive smoking being more harmful then actually smoking? What on earth? Do you not think that the person smoking is also breathing it in after?? It's common sense really.


I don't think anyone was inferring that passive smoking was worse but more that passive smoking is dangerous too.

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Shisha cafes are not public places in the sense that you have people in there for all types of reason...the main reason is shisha, yea you have food served there and drink, you can buy it seperatly, but thats to accompany you while you smoke....no one really goes in there just to buy a drink, because its not a newsagent... Its like a vegetarian walking into a kebab shop to buy a drink, and then walking out complaining about the meat,they would be stupid because it was THIER CHOICE to go in no one made them,





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Why did you pick this bar if you didn't want to be surrounded in smoke? Any other person would have noticed the octopus and been on their way.


I presume you've seen the bar in question? To an untrained eye like mine it looks like the restaurant next to it or the one to the other side, there aren't giant signs proclaiming that everyone entering it's doors has to smoke and with a smoking ban in force since last year you'd expect to be able to go into any restaurant without being subjected to smoke wouldn't you? A "Shisha" restaurant like this one could just be a theme, I'm a simple chap, I don't learn about everything before I dare to go out for lunch.


No they cannot!! Thats the point! All smoking, regardless is BANNED. And do you really mean to tell me that people actually go to the pub just to eat? C'mon.?


I now realise it's a "smoking" ban rather than just a ban on burning tobacco, it's not something I've paid much attention to if I'm honest so I had to have a quick check just then.


But yes, I often drive to a country pub, have a nice meal with a non-alcoholic drink and then hop back in the car - are you suggesting I shouldn't do this and that I have to get sh*t-faced just because the place sells booze?


Do they now? And how long does a cigerette last; 5 mins??

An average sized shisha bowl can last over an hour... not really the same thing is it as popping out for a 'quick cig'?


Erm... yes they do, haven't you been out recently? See all those people stood around with white sticks of death? They are smokers.


I don't smoke but a cigar can last a long time, they got banned in public places, why shouldn't Shisha?


Anyway a bit of extra reading for anyone who cares...




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I don't smoke but a cigar can last a long time, they got banned in public places, why shouldn't Shisha?


Anyway a bit of extra reading for anyone who cares...





Pointless even paying attention to what your saying, do you even know what a shisha looks like? Smells like? u probs dont care and are joining in the discussion for the sake of arguing.....what an idiot..

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I don't smoke but a cigar can last a long time, they got banned in public places, why shouldn't Shisha?




How many people do you see smoking cigars on the street? I've probably seen 1 or 2 at most, living in the most dense city (london) :search:


Not really a fair comparison is it?

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