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Gatso in court anyone seen this??

dangerous brain

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Got sent this today is it true or just a load of internet generated cobblers?



Monday 10th January

Court case could prove thousands of speeders innocent

Gatso-based evidence could be responsible for convicting thousands of

innocent motorists, according to research by David Edgar, a retired

electronics engineer and former professional inventor.


The Gatso speed cameras he has investigated over-estimated motorists' speed by up to 25 per cent because the time between the two flash photography images, which constitutes legal evidence on which prosecution is based, was much longer than specified.


Edgar's 35-year unblemished driving record is under threat from prosecution by West Midlands police for allegedly driving 41 mph in a 30 mph zone.


Wallsall-based Edgar has pleaded not guilty to the driving offence and will defend himself in the Birmingham Magistrates' Court on Thursday 13 January 2005.


After receiving his summons, Edgar became suspicious of the accuracy of the

Gatso-based evidence and developed a laser aligned, optically triggered

digital timer that measures to an accuracy within 1/100th of a second the

time lapse between the two flashes produced by a Gatso speed camera.


He became concerned about the accuracy of the Gatso speed camera when his requests for disclosure about how speed cameras are calibrated for accuracy were ignored by both the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. His requests for information sent to Gatsometer in the Netherlands and UK were also ignored, as was his formal application to Birmingham Magistrates' Court to force disclosure.


Edgar said, "I really felt they had something to hide so I decided to

investigate the critical timing accuracy."


Having tested the opto-digital timer on a number of Gatso speed camera sites

including Newtown Birmingham, Walsall and Cannock area, Edgar soon

discovered that well over 80 per cent of them were inaccurate. In

particular, there were serious timing errors between the two flashes which are supposed to flash at exactly half a second (500 milliseconds) apart.


Edgar's tests show the timings are anything but accurate. Typically they are 630 milliseconds apart, which changes legal evidence about how far a vehicle has travelled. In particular, it creates the illusion that a vehicle has travelled much further between flashes than it actually did-some 25 per cent further.


For instance a vehicle travelling at 35 mph would have travelled an extra 2.03 metres when the timing between the two flashes is 630 milliseconds, and that puts the vehicle in the next set of parallel line markings which are spaced two metres apart.


Since these serious inaccuracies clearly affect the reliability of the actual recorded speed of a vehicle, it suggests that photographic evidence cannot be relied on by the prosecution, as reasonable doubt exists concerning the accuracy of that evidence.


Having now investigated and researched the Gatso method of speed camera

entrapment the police and CPS are relying on Mr Edgar said " I have also

discovered some other disturbing facts that affect the accuracy and

reliability of the entire measuring system, these will be brought to the

attention of the Birmingham Magistrates Court on Thursday 13 January 2005, come along it should be an interesting day in court."


Paul Smith, founder of the Safe Speed road safety campaign commented, "If Mr Edgar's claims are proven then almost everyone convicted by a Gatso speed camera will be able to apply to have their case reopened. I have spoken to Mr Edgar and his extensive research seems unequivocal."

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