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I won 2million #!! Help me claim it!

Guest 87gtNOS

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Guest 87gtNOS

Hey, I have now gotten about 4 or 5 emails from the UK saying I have won 2 million British pounds.

There are phone numbers on these emails.

So who's gonna make the call for me?!!


Here is one of the emails! Have at her!



The Marina Offices, St Peters Yacht Basin,

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1HX England

Ref: XYC /26500460037/08

Batch: 74/00319/IPD


Dear lucky winner,


We happily announce to you the draw (1068) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY,online Sweepstakes

International program held as part of our weekly E-Mail Promotion.


Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the

lucky numbers:12-31-33-39-41-45-(Bonus number 23)

which subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category i.e match 6.



You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £2,532,137 (British Pounds) in cash

credited to file XYC /26500460037/08.


This is from a cash prize of £2,532,137 (British Pounds) obviously to be taken by you, as the

only winner in this category i.e. Match 6..


All Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from a pool of over 25,000

names of distinguished professionals drawn from Europe, America, Asia, Australia, New

Zealand,Middle-East, parts of

Africa, and North & South America as part of our international promotions programme conducted

twice weekly to encourage prospective overseas entries.


The internet emaili ng ideal was used, since most people are not able to purchase tickets and play

outs ide the UK. We hope with part of your prize

awards, you will take part in our subsequent lottery jackpots.


This promotion takes place Twice weekly (Wednesdays and Saturday). The idea of this promotion is

that within ten years from now, there will benotable richness amongst many unusual people around

the world.


This will give many people the opportunity to get their livesto a stage where they had



Kindly note that you will only be chosen in this online email promotions once, which means that

subsequent weekly winnings will not get to you again, so its your choice to spend the funds wisely

on something that will

last you a long time. And please do not border following up this email, if you have benefited from

this donation in previous years.


Note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representa tive office in

Europe as indicated in your play coupon.


In view of this, your £2,532,137 (British Pounds) will be released to you by our payment office

in UK. Our Fiduciary agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of

your funds as soon as you contact him.


For security reasons,Our winners are assured of the utmost standards of confidentiality, and press

anonymity until the end of proceedings, and beyond where they so desire.


Be further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings

to circumvent problems associated with

fraudulent claims.


This is part of our precaution ary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of



Any l ottery double claim dedected by our monitoring committee will lead to the Uk national

lotterycanceling the winnings.


Making a loss for both the real winner, and the fake (intended) claimer.

for more informations regarding your winnings and to file for your claim, fill the winner

verification form below and forward them to the fiduciary agent immediately to the contact details below.


Agent Name: Dr.Pinkett Griffin

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0) 704 5706 976

+44 (0) 704 5722 453






BLOOD GROUP.........

NEXT OF KIN........










Once again congratulations...



Mrs Stel la Willamson


Sweepstakes International Program.


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Guest 87gtNOS


Scam (captain obvious)


Yes, I know...but I figured someone on here would be able to have a little fun with it! Are those real places listed in the email?

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Guest 87gtNOS

Sorry guys, use at own risk. I am not from there, so I don't know what your phone numbers look like or what the area codes are, etc!! I hope those numbers don't cost you to call them.


I was just trying to see if maybe they worked, so we could have some fun! If the email is just no good, then I wonder why they send them out? Just to Pi$$ me off I guess?!!


Yes, I know a few of you, like JamieP, etc!!

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